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The sky cried tears of grey, as if weaping for my loss. Nothing would ever be right again and Mother Nature was the only one who understood. I gazed down, through my silent tears, at the simple coffin being lowered into the mud. "good-bye jakob.I love you." I whispered a final farewell to what had once been my true love, but was now just a body in a box in the cold, unforgiving earth. It's over. He's gone, and nothing will ever bring him back. This quieted my crying as I excepted that everything that was good was gone.

Not wanting to break into tears agian, I turned away from the grave and walked away, from the grave, from my boyfriend and from my old life. This day forth I will be a different person with a different life. I will carry on and keep all my emotions to my self.

Silently I squished through the mud towards my old car waiting in the parking lot.

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