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"Ooo that looks great, thanks." Lucas says as he grabs a pancake off my plate. I just laugh at him.

"You're welcome."

"Okay, come on guys school today." Bryce yells while ushering us out the door. It has been two weeks since Levi and I became proper friends and we have been texting each other every day and sitting in class together. 

Surprisingly Levi is a really good company and we have a lot in common. I also found out that my cousins are staying with us for another 6months. Ever since my brothers came and sat at our table Lily has been ignoring me. I just shrugged it off and spent more time with Levi.

I walk into the first period and take my seat next to Levi who is always early.

"Hiya," I whisper into his ear. He jumps and gasps.

"Someone having a small sleep eh?"

"Back off! I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," He says.

"Soooo, I was thinking that we could eat lunch together today?" I ask him.

"Really? No offense but i'm not sitting with your family." He says with a frown.

"None taken, but we could sit outside?" I ask hopefully.

"Sure, but how are you going to get away from your brothers?"

"We are going to.... Run away from them before they see us!" I say with jazz hands. He doesn't look impressed. I give him puppy dog eyes and he gives in.

"If they catch us it's on you, okay?" Levi tells me.


The teacher walks in the class and we go quiet. Class finishes and throughout the next few lessons Levi and I come up with a plan on how to get there before my brothers see us.

 We decide we will say that we need to go to the bathroom 5 minutes before the bell rings so we can get our lunch and go sit under the bleachers. Hopefully this will work because I know my family takes ages to get to the cafeteria. 

We look at the clock on the wall and I put my hand up and ask if I can go to the bathroom, I get my hall pass and wait for Levi. he quickly joins me and we see that we are first in line. I get my lunch and then sprint out to the bleachers.

"I'm here, we did it!" Levi exclaims.

"Woohoo!" I yell.

My phone suddenly starts to ring and I see that it is Tom calling me. I look up at Levi and he tells me not to answer it. I let it sit and turn it off not seeing the texts and calls flooding in from my family. The bell goes and Levi and I head off to our next class. Just as we are about to enter, I freeze.

"What's wrong, Rubes?" Levi asks me.

"We have p.e last period." I look at my phone and see that Bryce has also been calling me. Levi also freezes.

"Shit, shit, shit," I whisper over and over again, until I come up with a plan.

"OKay I have a plan, you need to pretend that you aren't feeling well so you have to go home. That way Bryce won't know who I was with, and you hopefully won't get caught."

"You sure it will work?" Levi asks, obviously unsure.

"Positive, now go,"

Levi walks into the class and pretends to nearly fall over. He tells the teacher that he is feeling really sick and needs to go to the nurse. On his way out, he winks at me.

 I walk out of history nearly shaking with nerves. When I walk into the gym, I see Tom, Toby, Elijah, Lucas and Bryce all glaring at me. I quickly run off to the changing rooms. When I walk out I see that only Bryce is left, and once again glaring at me. He reads the roll out and blows his whistle.

"Okay guys, so today since Mr, Frost the other teacher is sick we will have a senior class join us for the lesson. I hear footsteps and cross my fingers hoping that it is not the senior class that coincidentally has all of my cousins and brothers in it. My luck is ruined when four people come and sit next to me.

"Well shit."

I look up and see Tom, Toby, Lucas and Elijah.

"Anyway today we are playing dodgeball." Bryce yells out to the class. I groan because we played dodgeball yesterday at home and my hands are sore. I glare over at Bryce and he just smiles at me. He puts us into teams with my family on the opposite team to me, he blows the whistle and the game starts.

 I stay at the back waiting until I am needed. I walk out in the middle of the court when there is only one other person and my team. My brothers and cousins smirk at me while I smile sweetly at them. I throw the ball and it hits Elijah directly in the chest. 

My other teammate gets out so it's only me left. I hit Tom and Lucas in the arm and chest so it's only me and Toby left. He smiles at me and throws the ball, I jump up and catch it. I feel like it is a repeat of our first lesson.

 I walk past my team who are all cheering and go and get dressed. I put my bag on my back and slowly walked out. Bryce and the others are once again glaring at me. Fuck, i'm screwed when we get home.

HOLY CRAP 4 THOUSAND VIEWS. THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH. also I kind of gave up on Spanish translations ;) 

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