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Milli's P.O.V
So as lily and ryan, shona and andy are all having there time together I thought I'd have mine so I walked over to Leo and pretended to be cool I started walking with 'swag' and saying "yoyo leo" he clapped 👏😂,we both started crying with laughter, when blair came in the bus and said "we need to get going other wise we will be late" so Leo, Charlie TPPG overload and harvey, ran to their little closets with clothes in and quickly put some clothes on, B.A.M were wearing a baseball top and jeans while TPPG had little cute dresses on and harv jeans baggy top, overload just wore what ever they could find (lul), so we was on our way to the concert I was so exited!!!! "Milli!!!" This familiar voice shouts, it's Leo "what I shouted back" "do my make up for me, not how you girls have it but natural as we need it when we go on stage" so I was doing Leo's make up, I heard loads of fans screaming outside the tour bus, 'bars and melody we love you !!' The fans where shouting, as we all needed to get out the bus to get backstage, all the fans screamed as we walked out and we all ran inside part from TPPG and Harevy.

Leo's P.O.V

So Milli's doing my makeup, she smells so good! And looks beautiful, even though she had a messy bun and no make up she perfect, but I don't know if she feels the same, I want to tell her but how!urgh I'm not feeling good, thinking about telling her makes my stomach turn, what if she says no I'll be so embarrassed , so me, Milli, Charlie,Lily,shona and overload all ran in.

Milli's P.O.V

They was amazing! We all had a shower after and as I was sat drying my hair, and Leo walked up to me "m-m-milli" he said in a shaky voice "yes" I said " do you ummm do you want to..." """go umm""yes...""to nandos with me tomorrow just us two" he said smiling "of course!!" I pulled him into a tight hug!

Sorry this is late guys 🙈
It's gonna be really good trust me ;)
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Love you all!💕

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