Chapter 1

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Normally, I would wake up naturally and willingly. But today, that's not the case, seeing as there's a psychotic woman squealing and jumping up and down on my bed. "Lexi, Wake up!"

I kicked her right leg causing her to topple over. I groaned, burrying my face deeper on my pillow "Shut the fuck up, Nina. Its too early. What do you want?"

She squealed again, getting up "Guess, what I got you?"

I raised my head to look at her, "Gee, I don't know silence?"

"Better" she said giggling "I got both of us, VIP tickets to One Direction"

I stared at her and mumbled "No thanks" 

Her eyes widened "What? You have to come" she whined 

"I don't and I wont." I said sitting up, no longer feeling sleepy "You know I hate those freaks"

She pouted "But you have to come"

I scowled, "No"

"Please" she begged again, showing me her infamous 'puppy eyes'

I chuckled grabbing my phone from my bed side table "That's not gonna work on me"

She plopped down my bed "Come on, Lexi. Please? For me."

I shook my head, no. 

No way in hell would I ever go to one of their concert, or some stupid event like that. Heck, I wouldn't even go near anything related to them. That's how much I hate them. Its a mystery why Im even friends with one of their psychotic fans-- but to my defense I didn't know she liked them and she seemed quite normal at first.

We met two years ago, when she first moved here right next to us. My mom asked me to go over their house-- which looked more like a mansion than a house-- and give them some pie as a welcome. I did, an we instantly became friends. I didn't know she liked them until two weeks later, when she invited me to go to her room-- that was filled with posters of One Direction, not showing any single space. I was horrified, of course, but I cant just tell her that I dont want to be friends with her just because of her horrible taste in music-- and besides It felt too petty of me to pick my friends, we already became too close in that small span of time.

"Lexi" she whined "You know my mom wont allow me to go unless you come"

I rolled my eyes at her standing up, I headed straight to my bathroom "Then dont go" I paused then turned around "You know what you should do? You should sell the tickets, for double the price. That way you can earn more" I smiled evilly

She decided to ignore my words, shame really. "How about a deal"

"Still no" I replied chuckling, then headed straight to my bathroom to take a bath.

"Listen to me first" she ran next to me, stopping me from escaping her evil clutches "You come with me on One Direction's concert and I buy you a VIP ticket on Ed Sheeran's concert"

My jaw dropped "What? How did you--"

This is not fair. She knew Ed Sheeran was my weak spot and she knew how my mom didn't want me to go to any concert unless I pay for them-- since it was too 'dangerous' or maybe she didn't want to spend money on superficial things-- and besides Ed's concert got sold out in a matter of time. How did she even get one?

She grinned "I have my ways, so deal?"

I bit my lip. I guess I could go. I mean, He wont even notice me, it was 4 years ago and I'll be surrounded by their other fans, so they probably wont notice. Yep, they wont. "Yes, If you can show me the tickets to Ed Sheeran"

She jumped up and down, hugging me "Yaaayyy!!!" She took something from her small bag and flashed it on my face "But I wont hand it to you, until the night of the concert since I know that if you get this right away, you'll figure out some sort of scheme to not go"

"Fine" She knows me so well

She gave a very loud squeal "Wait, Im gonna tell your mom"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever"



"Wow, that sure are a lot of girls" I said, with my mouth slightly opened because of shock. I knew they were famous but I didn't know that they had this much crazy fans. 

Nina pulled me away from the line "We're not going that way"

My face scrunched with confusion, pointing to the huge line "But the line's there"

She rolled her eyes, "We have a different ticket than them. I payed more for this , you know?" She approached a guy in black-- who Im guessing is a guard-- and showed him our tickets "We were supposed to be with the first group, we're late, I believe?"

"No, they just came in" He ushered us in and guided us to where we should go

"Ohmygod, Im so excited" She said, excited

I just stayed silent, for me not to ruin her fun. Im not that mean. I knew this was the first time she was allowed to come to a concert, so Im not going to ruin anything for her.

"Where are we going? Is there some passage here leading to the concert hall?" I asked, I was getting bored walking around.

She laughed "No, silly. I availed the Meet and Greet too. We're gonna see them"

"What?" I shrieked "And you didn't even bothered to tell me?"

"I did, actually" she said "You just were not listening because you were ogling the tickets for Ed Sheeran"

The guard stopped in front of a room, "Here we go, girls. Enjoy." 

I groaned, "I'll just stay here"

"No. You're coming with me." She opened the door and tried to yank me in with force

"I said no! I dont want to see those faggots" I replied pulling with much greater force

"They're not faggots and you are coming in this room" Nina gritted her teeth and pulled with all her might, successfully pulling me inside, with me unceremoniously down on the floor butt first.

I groaned "What the fuck is wrong with you?", but when I looked at Nina, she was no longer looking at me, instead something-- or someone-- behind me. Instinctively I looked behind me.

There were 7 other girls, but my eyes were only glued to a certain green-eyed boy. 

Harry Styles.

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