Chapter 2

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“Harry” Louis spoke, it seemed like everyone stopped talking the moment I came in and made eye-contact with Harry Styles, himself. “Do you know her? She looks familiar”

Harry’s eyes never left mine and I can see that he does, indeed, remember me. I can see remorse and something I can't quite understand in his eyes.

“No” I answered, looking away “No, he doesn’t” I stood up to try to get away from this situation when a hand caught my wrist.

Zayn stood in front of me, with his brows scrunched in confusion “Lexi? ”

I sighed and gave him a small smile "Hi?"

"Oh God, I missed you" Zayn exclaimed, hugging me. He was rambling about how long it has been while I was awkwardly hanging onto him and patting his back. "Its been like what? 4 years"

"Yeah" I chuckled when he finally lets me go "Missed you too"

“What happened?” He paused “The last time I saw you was when you were with Harry, then you were gone”

I shrugged “It’s a long story, Zayn. Maybe next time”

He gave me a long look before holding out his hand “Give me your phone”

I chuckled “I'm not going anywhere” lies “and besides, shouldn’t you be uh—socializing with your fans? ”

His eyes widened “Oh right! I forgot”

I chuckled giving him a light push “I should go”

“Wait, no” he took some paper from the nearest fan—who was by the way, shaking from excitement—and scribbled something on it before handing it to me. “You’re going to watch us, right? ”

“Yes” I smiled, then turned to Nina “Nina, I’ll wait for you outside”

Her mouth was wide open, but she only managed to give me a small nod. I shook my head and went out the door.

But before I could, I managed to sneak a glance at Harry. He looked like he was on the verge of tears but shook it off when a fan approached him for an autograph.

I was relieved when I finally came out of the room. I never taught I’d see them again after four long years. I didn’t even think anyone would remember me, since I’ve only known them for a short while.

I met Harry when I was 5 and he was six. We had just then moved to England, because of my grandmother, who was sick. My mom and his were long time best friends, his mom used to keep an eye on my grandmother—since their house was right next to ours-- but she can’t always be there for her, so my mom chose to move back to England.

Harry and I were inseparable. We never fought, and even if we did, it can easily be fixed with ice cream.

So when he left for X-factor, I was quite scared to continue without him.

After a few weeks, he returned home and asked me to come to meet his new friends, I did. There I met Zayn, who also became very close to me in a matter of weeks. He was almost like a brother I’ve never had.

Then, nothing.

As soon as the show was over he became busy. It came to the point where he doesn’t even answer my calls. He left me. He never contacted me ever again, even at the time I needed him the most.

“Nina” I called when I noticed her walking mindlessly, she didn’t seem to notice me, so I followed her “Look, I know you’re mad at me for keeping this secret from you but—“

“Are you kidding?!” she yelled “That is amazing! I'm friends with someone who’s friends with One Direction!”

“You—You’re not angry?” I asked, confused.

“Of course, not!” she said, hugging me “Oh my God! Then, I’ll be able to see them again! ”

“I doubt that” I murmured

“Did you say something?” she asked

I shook my head “Nothing”

“Oh, okay” she grinned “We should hurry, the concert’s about to start”

“Great” I muttered sarcastically. Who doesn’t enjoy being cramped up by thousands of fan girls right? Yay, me.


“Finally, it's over” I sighed when we finally got out of the concert hall, I turned to Nina with a smile “Want to eat? ”

“Not quite yet” she said before pulling me back to where we went earlier

“Why are we—“

“Just trust me” she said

And once again, we stand right in front of their dressing room.

“Why are we here?” I paused and gave Nina an accusing glare “We shouldn’t be here”

She grinned “I forgot something”

I rolled my eyes at her. She opened the door, and suddenly my eyes widened.

“Kill me now” I muttered

Nina grinned “I know right”


“Are you alright, love?” he asked, with his wonderful voice

“I love you” I said, wide eyed.

Oh God, that’s not creepy right? Shit, it's creepy. I just creeped out Ed fucking Sheeran. Ohmygod! My life’s over.

He chuckled “Its not creepy, don’t worry”

Did I just say that out loud?

“Yes” he answered, amused

I'm Thinking Out Loud. OMG

Ed’s eyes widened and suddenly he’s clutching his stomach from laughing. “I like you, you’re funny”

“You’re a God” I muttered “You’re so perfect”

“Thank you” he chuckled “Come on in”

I gently took a step inside, hoping that I'm not dreaming. I wasn’t.

“There you, guys, are” Zayn said standing next to me “I thought you two were never gonna show up, come” he then turned to Ed “Harry’s looking for you”

“Okay” Ed shrugged then gave me and Nina a hug “Pleasure to meet you, girls”

When Ed was out of sight, I turned to look at Zayn and shrieked “OHMYGOD! I JUST MET ED SHEERAN! ”

a laughed “So you hate us but not him?”

“How did you know that?” I asked

Zayn shrugged “I follow you on Twitter, duh”

I gave him a playful punch “Don’t stalk me”

“No promises” Zayn said, laughing “Come on. They’re waiting”

He led us to another room connected with the room we were just in. The others were already there, including Harry and Ed.

“You guys remember Lexi, right?” Zayn asked

The others nodded. Louis stood up and gave me a hug “Its been so long, don’t you think” I nodded and smiled

Liam and Niall also hugged me and asked how I’ve been. Only Harry didn’t. He just silently sat there looking at me. Or Nina. I'm not entirely sure.

I was busy talking to Niall when someone cleared their throat awkwardly beside me.

“Can I talk to you, Lexi?” Harry asked, pleadingly “Alone”

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