Chapter 1

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Chapter One-

Willowy frame reclined back, vacant emerald optics focused on the canvas of the ceiling. A sigh absconded from cupid-bow lips, idly watching the infant-like mobile that lingered above her. Patchwork stars and planets bobbed in the polar breeze that slipped through the propped open window, the monotonous buzz that bothered the female becoming increasingly apparent.
“Why do you think you’re here..?” The sound translated into something intelligible, permitting Ada to tilt her head. Cascading auburn ringlets tumbled from the recliner she was situated upon, feathery lashes tapering as her perception fixated onto her balding therapist. Deciphering that he had once more dragged his patient from a dormant state, Mr Henderson's thick brows furrowed in muted vexation.

Digesting his expression the teen propped herself up on svelte hands, papery visage influenced in a silent disdain. “What was that?” The females tone was uttered, her discontent over the situation expertly disguised. Henderson occupied himself with shuffling crumpled documents, relieving himself of the tension that had been escalating for the past hour. “Why Ada, do you think you’re here..?”
“I see dead people…” The question was one that Ada had grown accustomed with, her response so rehearsed that she spoke before the plump male could push up his thick lensed spectacles. The freckled female recoiled under the steely scrutiny that her therapist offered, it was blatant he would not be as patient as his predecessors had been with her.

Boyish figure settling against the floorboards, she averted her gaze to the clock. “Can’t we call it a day?” she muttered, her tether quickly evaporating.
“You stay for the full hour and a half, young lady. I don’t think you realise how much expense you are causing your parents!” Ada once more perched against her assigned seating, if she had a choice on what her parents spent their money on it certainly wouldn’t be this. “Lets start again, shall we? Now when was it that you began having these hallucinations..?”
“They aren't ‘hallucinations’” Ada started pointedly with a soft sigh “and it started after I woke up from a car accident…” Lounging back against the cushioned surface, long lashes shuttered, glossy bangs falling over closed sockets. Henderson jotted noisly on his memo, conducting theories Ada had heard all her life.

“This looks like fun…” Whispered dialect was delivered against the shell of Ada’s ear, the sound accompanied with an amused whistle. Eyes shooting open, Ada was greeted with deep cerulean irises, flecked with hues of white and silver. A lanky male hovered over her, unruly mop of sandstone tresses fading into transparency. “What? Anyone would have thought you’ve never seen a dead guy before…” he stated with a chuckle, leaning lazily against a nearby wall, his usual inviting smile quirking porcelain lips.
“S-Sam!” she exclaimed quietly through gritted incisors, amusement evident in her welcome.

“Ada!” The command breached the limits of livid, though it did little to faze the addressed teen. Her attention only veered to Henderson as the additional presence sauntered towards the stout psychiatrist. “Are you listening to me?” Promptly nodding, white teeth clasped against her lip to halt scolding the spirit that was responsible for her being there. Sam lingered behind Henderson, though his surveillance seemed to focus only on the skeleton model that hung limply by his desk. Henderson resumed his interrogation, Ada’s eyes flickering between him and Sam, who was elevating the bleached limbs of the model he had become attracted too.

Inhaling a breath Ada permitted her stoic stare to fixate onto Mr Henderson, adamant on ignoring Sam for the remaining twenty minutes. “Hey Ada, Ada don’t ignore me, I’ll haunt you…” Tease thick in his script, Sam waved both his and the models hands, head perched on the skeletons shoulder joint. “Ada, is this guy for real?” Ivory appendages flexed lifelessly towards the hideous strawberry print tie that hung loosely around Hendersons fleshy neck, limp against the roll of fat that threatened to pop his button up open. “Nice tie..”

A bubble of laughter escaped Ada as the pudgy male instantly turned, only to locate the skeletons hands swaying limply at its sides. A chill travelling down his spine, Henderson trudged towards the window to slide the panel closed. Sam watched, a low chuckle expelling into the air as he propped himself against the base of his new ‘friend’. “He’s a complete bundle of joy! No wonder you like coming here, you’re surrounded by idiots.” Ada arched a neat brow, deadpan washing over doll-like features. “That’s harsh Ada, I’m not that bad…” Sam remarked, his jet lashes tapering childishly.

“It is quite clear what the solution to your issue is young lady!” long lashes fluttering, Adas gaze lowered to meet Hendersons, the vertically challenged man having trotted before the teen. “You obviously do not enjoy it here, so you should ‘give up the ghost’ and stop yearning for attention! I know your grandfather died recently but causing so much trouble is selfish!”
Irises dilating, Adas breath lodged in her throat, her protest stalled. “Ghosts aren’t real Ada, you’re delusional…”
Sam’s carefree exterior faltered, a defensive glare twisting his expression as Mr Henderson marched back to his desk. “Hey Ada. If ghosts aren’t real, it doesn’t mean poltergeists aren’t right?”Ada shook her head in response to him, ascending to her feet slowly to collect her bag.

“Alright I’m leaving, I don’t have time to be wasting on narrow minded fools. Say goodbye Sam…” A long silence transpired as Ada left the room, leaving Henderson to search frantically for something he couldn’t see. The peace was disrupted as calloused digits grasped onto his biro, the windows suddenly exploding open with a deafening clatter. Documents were delivered into the air, arranged draws ripped from their cabinets and the contents thrown around the room wildly.Henderson scooted back in his chair, beady eyes bulged in a combination of surprise and sheer terror. As the windows slammed closed, documents drifted to the laminated flooring. Hesitantly turning, a shrill scream escaped Henderson witnessing the skeleton model waving idly at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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