Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I woke up and it was six am, it wasn’t my usual morning… I was lying next to Zayn in the couch, I’m guessing we fell asleep watching that movie late last night… Happily, my hangover was long gone.

Our legs were intertwined and our hands were touching. Zayn was on the edge of falling off from the couch, so he was holding onto me by having his arms wrapped around me. My face was buried in the crook of his neck and I could hear his breathing…

“I’m so tired,” Zayn mumbled half asleep, I wasn’t sure if he knew what was going on or what he was doing, I guess he didn’t.

“Go back to sleep,” I whispered letting this amazing moment continue.

Zayn sighed slightly and held on to me tighter and pulled himself off the edge of the couch so both our chests were touching.

I lied in the couch alone with him in the comforting quiet of the early morning hours…

I have always day dreamed of the day I would wake up in Zayn’s strong, muscled arms… It was even better than I imagined. His toned arms wrapped around me, scared of letting go, felt so good. They made me feel safe and I haven’t felt safe. I’ve always been so vulnerable because of my past, because I was scared that families would leave me… But, here he was making me safer than I’ve ever felt.

I was reading a book while Zayn slept beside me and his phone vibrated, I decided to check who it was so I didn’t have to wake Zayn up. I reached for Zayn’s phone making sure to not startle Zayn. I sat up and once the phone was in my grasp, I opened to see who it was, sure enough it was Harry.

Hey Zayn, I’m going off to a cabin for a couple of days with Louis and Niall, take care of Liam please? Thanks man I appreciate it. –Harry. Xxx

I felt bad for Zayn; he was going to be stuck with me instead of going with his friends to a cabin… I was holding him back from having fun, wow, I’m a buzz kill. I placed Zayn’s phone back in the table and lay back down.

I cuddled up next to Zayn and I’d just make an excuse that I was cuddling with him because I was asleep and didn’t know what I was doing.


I ended up falling asleep, but I woke up because I felt someone playing with my hair. It was a nice feeling to be honest… I looked up and saw Zayn; he was looking at me with a smile in his face and playing with my hair. Our legs were tangled up and my face was on his chest… I don’t know how watching a movie, to falling asleep, led to cuddling… but to be honest, I’m fucking glad it did.

“Hi,” I whispered.

Zayn didn’t reply he just stopped playing with my hair and untangled his legs from mine, “Oh, um, I’m sorry…”

My heart dropped, I didn’t want him to stop playing with my hair.

Zayn got up and looked at himself startled with what he was doing; fright fell on Zayn’s face. Instead what I started to feel was pain, all I ever felt before the Styles’ family adopted me, not happiness… just plain pain and rejection. The fright of being left alone… Not having anyone ever care about me, because to be honest no one’s ever cared for me… At least until Zayn came…

“Wait, no!” I burst out and sat up, “Stay!” I said weakly.

. Zayn looked at me, “Why?”

“Please, just… stay… Sit with me… Talk with me… Or don’t, I don’t really care, just please… I just… I want to be around you, please…” I said hoarsely. I bit the inside of my cheek awaiting his response.

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