Chapter 2

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When I arrive at the airport it is packed full of people. I find my gate after two hours of looking and I get onto the plane. It is warm and stuffy and I'm sitting beside a woman who smells like toes. That's what I get for flying business class. After a while I fall asleep and wake up to the sound of the plane landing. It is dark outside but the lights of the city brighten up the sky. I get my bag and get off the plane. As I step into New York it suddenly dawns on me that I'm alone. I'm all alone.
    It's 2am in the morning and I'm trying to get a taxi but the streets are just so busy. After whistling for an hour a fat bald man finally arrives in a yellow taxi. The car smells like funions and pickles. "Eww" I think to myslef. I tell the driver to take me to the greenwood motel. Its rating is only two stars but I can't really be picky. I pay the taxi driver and walk in through the front door. At the front desk I spot a middle aged woman who looks like she wants to be anywhere but here. "single or double?" she asks in a gruff tone. "A single please" I say, something about her harsh voice just makes her so intimidating. "how many nights you staying"? She says in a strong new York accent. "a week". "That'll be 150 dollars " I hand the money to her grudgingly and head to my room. It's number 159. The last room in the motel. As I walk into the room I instantly smell dust with a hint of mould. Ignoring the smells, I dust down the bed, change into my pyjamas and start to do some research. I find out that the motel is only half an hour away from Columbia and I can't believe my luck. Tomorrow I'm going to do some sight seeing and get my bearings then I'll go to Columbia. I feel my eyelids getting heavy as I start to slowly fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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