Part 2

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After Branch finished fixing the swing set. He joined Poppy and Clampers on the bench that they were sat on apart from this time, Clampers was sat right where Branch was sitting.

"Hey..uh it okay if I sit there?" Branch asked nervously, not wanting to aggravate the troll. Clampers growled at him. "Nevermind..." Poppy patted Clampers on the head to try and get her to calm down.

"We should probably get going to my pod to read to the troll kids," Poppy suggested.

"But what about..." Branch pointed to Clampers.

"Clampers will enjoy it! Won't you sweetie?" Poppy exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Clampers yelled, not entirely sure what she had just signed up to.


Back at Poppy's pod, Poppy was teaching the young trolls from all the troll kingdoms about how the Pop Trolls made peace with the Bergens, leaving out all the traumatizing eating stuff of course. The young trolls seemed fascinated.

"So these bergen thingies," a little funk troll asked. "How big are they?"

"Oh the Bergens are HUGE!" Poppy replied. "Bigger than anything you could imagine!"

"Even bigger than my dad?" The little funk troll asked again, amazed.

"Yes, even bigger than your dad!" Poppy laughed.

"Whoa!" The other trolls said, and then started talking among themselves. Poppy turned to Branch.

"That went well!" Poppy sighed in relief. "Clampers didn't even try to-"


Clampers got a hold of the scrapbook and was chewing it.

"Clampers!" Poppy and Branch both shouted, trying to pull the book off of her.

"Remember what we said? No eating our history," Poppy tried to calmly say. Clampers just pouted. "Okay little ones! You can all go!"

"Thanks Queen Poppy!" They all chimed.

"Good job Queen Poppy!" Branch smiled at her, Poppy smiled back.

"Alright Clampers, what do you want to do now?" Poppy asked, but there was no response. "Clampers?" The two trolls looked around frantically to find Clampers. "Where is she?!"

"Delta is gonna kill us!" Branch panicked while Poppy paced her pod.

"Okay okay, we need to split up to cover more ground!" Poppy explained. "Meet in the village square at next hug time!" Branch nodded and used his hair to swing through the trees.

Branch went to the play park to check if Clampers had wandered back there, or if she just wanted to break another swing chain. But there was no sign of her. He suddenly heard a loud shriek causing his ear to twitch and ran over to see what was going on. He came across Biggie, Mr Dinkles, Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond who all looked traumatized.

"Are you guys okay?" Branch asked.

"T....t....t-tiny country troll.." Biggie stuttered. "I-it thought Mr Dinkles was a chew toy!" Biggie squeezed Mr Dinkles who didn't look pleased at all. Although Branch couldn't really tell if he was annoyed about being chewed or being suffocated by Biggie.

"Hold me daddy!" Tiny said in his deep voice, holding onto Guy Diamond's face.

"So you guys saw Clampers?" Branch asked. "Do you know where she went?" Biggie pointed to the left.

"That way!" Biggie said, still slightly shaken. Branch followed the direction with his ears perked to try and hear any chaos that Clampers may cause.


Poppy on the other hand, went to go find Barb. She knew that she needed more trolls to search for Clampers.

"So you want me to find a baby country troll that ran away from you?" Barb asked, confused.

"Yeah!" Poppy replied.

"And you can't chase after her just by yourself?" Barb asked again.

"Well Branch is helping me, but we need even more trolls if we're gonna find her,"

"Pfft, leave it to me Popcorn! This'll be easy!" Barb started to walk away. Poppy grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Just be careful, Clampers has a tendency to...bite things uncontrollably!" Poppy explained. "She's sweet but I'm pretty sure she's a demon!"

"Believe me! I've dealt with far worse!" Barb said. "Including him!" Barb pointed to Riff who was just minding his own business. Poppy nodded.

"Thanks Barb! You're the best!" Poppy chirped.

"Yeah I know!"

Poppy soon heard a rustling coming from a nearby bush. She peered at it suspiciously, it looked like a small creature was in the bush. "Clampers?" Poppy asked suspiciously. She went over carefully and pulled back the leaves on the bush and a creature jumped out! Poppy screamed. But it was only Smidge.

"Oh hey Poppy!" Smidge greeted.

"Smidge what the hair are you doing in that bush?!" Poppy asked, still surprised.

"Good question!" Smidge replied, not really knowing how to respond herself. "But you'll never believe what I just saw! It was a tiny country troll chasing Cooper and it was the most entertaining thing I've seen all day!"

"Wait? Tiny country troll?" Poppy's eyes widened. "Where did you see it?"

"Over by the village square! Feisty little thing though!" Smidge replied. Poppy took to her feet and ran as fast as she could.

"Thanks Smidge!"


Branch took a moment to catch his breath, he felt like he had been running for hours. But there was still no sign of Clampers. Branch sat down and leaned against a tree trunk, the next hugtime would be soon and he had no luck in finding Clampers. Suddenly Branch's ear started to twitch. He turned his head to a small clearing to the left of him and caught a slight glimpse of a blue and orange blur quickly disappear behind the bushes.

"Clampers? Is that you?" Branch got up and walked over to the clearing and peaked his head through the bushes. Nothing. His ear twitched again as he heard a sound from the other side of the clearing. Carefully, he went to go investigate. He bent down and pushed back the leaves of a small bush, where he thought the sound was coming from. "Clampers?"

Clampers poked her head through another bush on the side of the clearing opposite Branch. He was so focused on searching the bush that he didn't even notice her. Clampers thought of a good way to have some fun. She snuck up behind him. Branch thought he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, but before he could react...



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