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Once upon a time there was a tree with two halves. One side positivity the other side negativity. Two brothers watched over the tree as they were guardians.

Nightmare sat reading a book under the tree while his brother played with the village kids. He heard approaching footsteps and looked over his book to see an approaching human girl. He was confused why was she coming over to him? Dream wasn't around. "Sorry Dream's not here" He said "I'm n-not looking for him" she smiled softly "May I join you?" he blinked in surprise and scooted over some she sat beside him. "Why would you want to be around me?" he asked she blushed lightly. "Because you looked like you could use a friend I'm Kate" she smiled holding out her hand.

Nightmare hesitantly reached out and shook her hand "N-Nightmare" he said "Nice name" she said he smiled softly enjoying the humans company "you too" he said They talked about their favorite books and stories of their own. Nightmare was happy to finally have a friend other than his brother. He even began to develop feelings for her but knew that if the villagers found out they would beat him to a quivering pulp. Kate didn't care what others thought she would always be there when Nightmare needed her no matter what. He was her best friend.

Then everything changed....

Nightmare had eaten the black apple he began coughing and hacking intensely the village stared in horror Kate was crying calling to her friend. Nightmare began to laugh as the goop engulfed him and four tentacles shot from his back the sky turned red and the landscape turned black. The tentacles shot out stabbing through the villages Kate was frozen where she stood Dream started to fight his brother Kate ran forward "Nightmare please it's me!" She cried the goopy skeleton faltered he couldn't bring himself to attack her she was the one he loved the most.

A black orb surrounded her and Dream turning them both to stone. 

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