Sophia is a nanny for the CEO of a big company. She loves her job. She is looking after Emilee when she meets Harry styles on a flight to New York. Will she love her job even more when she's given the chance to see him again or will the risks she ta...
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Harry's outfit
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Harry's POV
"Last call for Flight 409 to New York", the muffled voice of a woman echoes through the halls of LAX. As much as I try to be on time, I always seem to be pushing it. This time I have on my obnoxious headphones and ignore any and all stares - yet here I am rushing to hand off my boarding pass. As she scans it, checks out my passport, and then finally realizes who I am, she grins at me.
"Have a wonderful flight, Mr Styles," she says, flirtatious meaning behind each word. She is a good looking woman, but I have a flight to get onto. So I settle with giving her a smile in return and walk off down the pedway.
I glance down at my boarding pass a few times, trying to find which row is mine before I come to it. I set my carry on in the storage above me, not missing there is a Spiderman backpack beside my Gucci bag. That can only mean one thing, there is a child seated beside me. That or an adult with some crazy obsession with the comic character. Theres a split second that I take a look around to see just how full this flight Is and if there Is an extra seat for me to take. Hell, I will even switch first class for economy if that means I don't have to hear a crying child for the next 5 hours.
Yeah, I like children, love them really, but for some reason it is like any time a child is placed even remotely close to me on a flight the child's whole world was ending. Try 12 hours over seas with whaling only a foot away from you, its not fun and I can say so myself. But all complaints disappear once my eyes fall down and find out who's in the two seats next to me on this flight. I was right about one thing, theres a child at the window seat, blonde hair being pulled back into a bun and her bright blue eyes watching who is fixing her hair.
I am sure I have the same doe eyed breath taking look in my eyes as the child does. Sitting in the middle seat is a gorgeous young woman, She can't be much younger than me - I sure hope she isn't. Her hair is straight, long and framing her face beautifully. Her skin is like it is glowing, even despite the dark circles under her eyes. I assume it is from her child sitting beside me.