Breathing is easy. Until it's not.
Sharing air and the dream. We almost forgot.
The wisdom has always been: "Go within. Go within."
Now we're together. Alone. At home.
For lungs. For more respirators. For 3%. Staying in.
My party is not bigger than you living.
The conclusion
Love is love
Life is life
Art is the weirdest everything
Doctors are heroes
Grocery store workers are heroes
Dogs and cats are heroes
FaceTime with gramps is hero
And if it's not clear yet
These are heroic times
Something is contagious and utterly unstoppable
We've worn the mask too long and it can no longer protect us from who we are:
Love. Kindness. One.
And we though we had to be giants to matter.
So sure of our time, place and enormity
Dismissing what we couldn't see and now the invisible adjusts our sails and our sights
We're getting it
We're getting it all
And the sneezes spell out empathy
The cough, a statement of all the unacknowledged breaths we've ever taken
But no more
Our Mother is grounding us. Stay in your room! So we can ground ourselves.
So we can heal ourselves. Then each other. Then realize we were the same thing all along.