Stupid Lecture!

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NO! I said in a loud voice. This can't be I don't want to go back without saying goodbye to Liam and how the- what the- huhh... I said. Kathy don't worry we will take care of that you have to go back tonight because if you don't you won't then you will miss the speacial lecture that the proffeser is going to present said Peachiz. We already took it when you were sick that day so we don't have to go said Aliesha but you do Kathy come on don't be stubborn. But-but-but-but you guys don't understand I said. We understand that you don't want to go but if Liam were here he owuld want that to happen ok said Driya. Now come on wake up get ready its 1 in the afternoon your flight is going to be taking off in 7 hours your tickets are on the counter table ok said Aliesha. I had a tear in my eye and I said ok. I hurryed to the bathroom and had a shower. I came out and saw the girls say here are your tickets and we will miss you they all hugged me. And we all went to the kitchen to get some lunch, we sat down and watched tv as we ate. It was so long I looked at the time it was 6 already. The airport from here is about half an hour. I stood up and said guys I have to get ready, I quikly ran to my room and got a caot on and got my nag and went outside we all stood there for a while and then the girls came towards me and hugged me and said we will miss you but don't worry we will be with you in 3 days. Driya said don't worry we will tell Liam about you leaving. Thankx I said with a big smile and said well guys i have 15 more mintues until they come to pick me up what you say lets watch some tv? Sure they all said and we went to the tv. Spongebob was on. (Honk Honk) I said you thats my call guys I have to leave now. I stood up and I teared up and said I will miss you all and they hugged me and said its ok come on now you don't want to be late. They walked me towards the door and in the car they said we will miss you too Kathy love you sweety, don't worry we will tell Liam. Thank you guys I said and closed the door. I saw them fade away as Liam did too. I was silent for a while I looked around and saw 8 more students. I asked one of them did you miss the lecture too? Yeap they all said. I reconized 6 of them were class bunkers. I looked away and said well here we go...

(in the flight)                                                                                                                                                       

Ma'm would you like anything? Liam I said in a fast way. What she said? Uhh... no thankx I want nothing. Ok she said and walked on by. I turned on my phone and started looking at pictures of Liam. I remembered that day when I was sick and I missed the lecture. DAMN IT! I said it out loud everyone was looking at me i just looked away. You see I had this really nasty cold where it can spread to anyone so I took a day off and missed the lecture thats why I have to go early today and get the leacture.  Poor Liam how am I going to contact him? He doesn't have my number I have his number it says its not in reach. What am I going to do to connect to him? Wait let me phone the girls and tell them about Liam calling me. I took my phone out and dailed the number..... The number you are calling is currently not in service please try again later. (cut) I tryed it again..... the number you ar- (cut) danm can't even call there is no signal here. How am I ever going to tell Liam about my number and OMG..... Elenor Louis said to bring elenor tommorow. What so many confussen in 1 day all becuz of a stupid lecture!!!!!

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