First Kiss

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Hey guys so this is actually my first time writing a fan fiction but like I've been rewatching Harry Potter and wow I just got hit with a wave of inspiration so here you go. Sorry if it sucks :(. Oh btw (L/N) is your last name and (Y/N) is your first name. Also it's kinda slow in the beginning because I want a good plot so bear with me.

It was my fourth year here at Hogwarts. Most people would inquire that their first year was some amazing experience for them. Well not for Mr. (L/N). When I got here I didn't know anything about being a wizard or how any of this worked. Being muggle-born isn't easy when entering a brand new school of wizards and witches.

((Flashback to sorting during (Y/N) first year))

"Well, well. A"

The sorting hat said right before looking around in silence between two tables. One full of red scarfs and another of green.

"Any particular interest young wizard?"

The sorting angled down at me and barely hushed his voice.


I shook my head as my timid (H/C) locks shook with me. I could feel all the stares on me from other students, anticipating where I would be placed. Ah who am I kidding why would they be excited about me, no one even payed me attention during any other point in time. Then, I saw him. A boy my age with shiny platinum hair slicked back rather nicely. Wait, why was he so cute to me. Certainly doesn't look to be someone I would take interest in, but for some reason, I just couldn't help but stare. I could see him over there laughing with his small group of friends he had somehow already made and joking waving his finger at some of them. Then, he looked over at me. I immediately darted my eyes away and towards the floor. Shit, why would he look at me. Oh well of course it could be that I'm sitting in the middle of the grand hall.

"Alright then...."

The hat startled me a bit, I almost forgot I was up here."


The hat exclaimed as all the Slytherin table started clapping. 'Oh that's nice, someone's excited to have me here ha' I thought to myself'. I stood and walked over to the Slytherin table. There seemed to be an empty seat 'more like an intended gap' between the boy and the other students so I took my opportunity. I may not be the most social bloke but I have to survive somehow.

"Excuse me, may I sit?"

Oh god, I had all the confidence getting over here but being here and talking to people was completely different. The blonde boy got some confused looks from his friends before he turned around and actually made eye contact with me.

"And just who are you?"

Those were the first words he spoke to me. Even though he was being quite rude I couldn't help but notice his cute features.

"Um...(L/N)....(Full Name). And you are?"

I sat with my back against the table looking towards him and his clique. The boys chuckled at my comment.

"Well, you really are muggleblood aren't you?"

The boy snarked with a a glance at his friends.

"I happen to be Draco Malfoy...son of Lucius Malfoy."

As if he expected me to know the name.

"Brilliant, so can I sit here or not?"

I had already felt unwelcome by the rather rude boy who calls himself Draco.

Draco Malfoy x Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now