Chapter 7

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"Haven't you trained enough?" Adrian asked me. I grunted as I pulled myself over the bar to stand on top of it. Tomorrow I would be going on my first mission. I was excited to get out of this place, but nervous that I would fail. I was currently training hard by mixing everything I learned into one hard session. I was free running over the walls and bars while shooting at moving targets. I knew how to use everything from throwing knives to guns but I still preferred my bow. Elizabeth had one custom made for me. It was beautiful, yet deadly.
I clenched my jaw as I flipped and landed on the mats. I kicked a target and sent it splintering across the room. I ran and flipped over a free running wall and rolled to land on the mats. I let another arrow fly at the target across the room as I landed on my knee. It hit the red bullseye with a satisfying clang. I was breathing heavily now. I glanced up at Adrian. He was staring at me with his mouth hanging open. I was cut off by somebody clapping before I could finally responded to his unanswered question.

I turned around and found Ghost watching me. He was clapping as he approached us, a grin set in place. I smiled at him in surprise. This was the first form of praise I'd ever gotten.
"Maybe you learned something after all" he teased me. I stuck my tongue out at him immaturely. He chuckled at me as he slipped the bow from my hand. His fingers brushed mine. I held back a gasp at the sensation from his touch and let him set it aside.
"You should get some rest, we leave early tomorrow" he looked down at me and studied my face. I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head at me.
"Listen to me for once. You've trained hard. Get some rest" he said firmly. I sighed and nodded. He smiled at me, brown eyes shining. I felt myself smile back, unable to escape his gaze.

"Good, let's go get something to eat" Adrian's voice made me jump. I'd forgotten he was even there. Adrian's hand grabbed mine and freed me from the trance Ghost had caught me in. I remembered how to breathe and blinked rapidly. What was he doing to me? I glanced back at Ghost and found him watching us with a harsh glare. I sighed and let Adrian lead me across the Gym. His tight hold on my hand made me realize he was upset about something. He pulled me through the gym doors and continued down the hall at a quick pace.

"Adrian?" I asked. "Hey" I squeezed his hand. He sighed and stopped walking, letting go of my hand. I stepped I front of him and searched his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked quietly. He laughed cooly.
"He's the problem" he pointed towards the gym. I looked down.
"What do you mean?"
"He's dangerous. He lies and manipulates-"
"Adrian" I stopped him. "I can handle myself. You know that" I studied his face. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I know but I don't even like you being around him-"
"Stop worrying. My private training is officially done now" I smiled up at him. His face softened in relief.
"Okay" he sighed. I smirked.
"Can we go eat now?" I nudged him. He laughed at me and nodded. He slid his arm over my shoulders and started walking again. I felt a wave of warmth wash over me. I felt safe and protected when Adrian was around. Like the older brother I never had. It always felt warm and welcoming with him. With Ghost it felt risky and mysterious. And for some reason, it thrilled me.
"You've grown so much since you first came here" Raven smiled at me. We were in the quad of the building. It was like a park enclosed by the walls of the facility. It allowed fresh air but still didn't allow escape.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"You've matured more. You seem so brave. Like you would take on the whole world without a second thought" she admired me. I laughed at her and nodded.
"I probably would if I had the opportunity" I smirked. She laughed at me.
"Do you think I'm ready for tomorrow?" I asked her nervously. Since I'd been here everybody expected the worst from me and questioned everything I did. I still received stares but now most of them were just of curiosity.
"Of course" Raven smiled.
"We have no doubts" Hunter chipped in. He sat beside Raven while I sat against the tree.

"There you are" Adrian said as he strolled through the glass doors to join us. I smiled at him in greeting. Smiling was something I did a lot now. It felt natural now with my friends around.
"What'd I miss?" He asked as he sat beside me, his leg brushing mine.
"Nothing-" I was cut off by Raven blurting out the truth.
"Rose doesn't think she's ready for tomorrow" she frowned at me.
"Of course you're ready" Adrian smiled at me. It was weird thinking that I'd become so close with one of Elizabeth's body guards. Even while he was on duty Adrian found ways to see me. It was nice having people to talk to while I was in this place. It felt so unwelcoming, like a prison. Which for me I guess it was. I wasn't allowed going anywhere alone and I wasn't alone outside of the walls unless authorized by Elizabeth.
"Thanks guys" I said quietly and stared down at my lap.
"What are you so scared of?" Raven asked softly.
"Failure" I sighed and shook my head at myself.
"Despite how everyone treats you, we all know your one of the strongest assassins here" Hunters honesty shocked me. I glanced up at him open mouthed.
"Then why do they treat me the way they do?" I wondered out loud.
"Because you were the enemy when you first came here. And now that everybody knows how strong you are, they fear you" Raven smirked at me. I laughed at her and nodded my understanding. Being feared meant I was succeeding.
"I think I'm gonna head inside" I stood up. Raven and Hunter said their goodbyes to me as I started across the quad.

"Hey!" Adrian caught up to me down the hall.
"Yah?" I glanced at him but continued walking.
"Be careful tomorrow" he nodded at me.
"Always" I flashed him a grin. He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes. I slowed my pace and turned to look at him.
"Adrian, are you worried about me?" I smirked at him. He laughed and pushed my shoulder playfully.
"Of course I am" he admitted, still smiling. I smiled back and closed the distance between us. His arms wrapped around me in a warm hug. My heart swelled warmly. I wasn't used of this feeling. Somebody caring about me so much. Worrying. Like the family I never really had.
"I'll be fine, I promise" I stepped back and searched his face. He smiled and nodded.
"I know, but I'll still worry until you get back" he said honestly. My heart warmed with emotion and suddenly I felt like crying. Instead I smiled and patted his arm before I rounded the corner.

I had a lot to prove tomorrow. To Ghost, to my friends, to my father. But also to myself. I was finally putting my skills to the test. I suddenly felt nervous. If I screwed this up I would be punished, embarrassed and disappointed. Not to mention the intense training I was sure Elizabeth would pile on. I took a deep breath and let it out, clearing my mind. You can do this Rose.

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