Group One's Antics

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Basically, these will be short chapters on the ridiculous things the four groups do.

Nobody POV

Naturally, the first place they stopped was the nearest mini store and dive-bombed the food aisle. And, as it turned out, they never got anywhere near the clothing stores. 

"Let's see, I'll take you, you, you, and you!" Taurus exclaimed happily as she tossed chips (barbeque, sour cream, and plain), candy (3 Musketeers, Milky Way, Sour Patch, gumballs, etc.) and some other things into her shopping cart. 

"Don't take too much food," Aquarius said half-worriedly as she watched her throw packet after packet into her cart. 

"Hey, Leo's not holding back either," Taurus pointed out. She took a peek into his basket and wrinkled her nose. "Though why in the world do you have Butterfingers and Babe Ruths? I hate those!" 

(sorry to those who do like them, I actually like them too but I had to put down something, didn't I?)

"Excuse me?" Leo asked, looking horribly offended. "How dare you offend my babies! Besides, you've got Reese's, which is condensed trash!" 

"Excuse you!" Taurus exclaimed back. "How dare you offend my baby! Reese's is delicious! Though maybe not quite on par with cheeseburgers, but whatever they're in a different category! I will take that into high offense!" 

Aquarius stood by as the two started bickering louder and harder. Taurus's hair was starting to turn black. "H-hey, guys? We're in public..." 

At the same time, they turned their heads and shouted, "WILL YOU BE QUIET WHILE WE EACH DEFEND OUR BABIES?!" 

"But Taurus is going Black..." 

They ignored her and kept on arguing. Aquarius swore she saw steam and sparks coming off of each other them. 

She sighed and sat back, but it wasn't long before she lept to her feet because Taurus had finally lost it and put Leo in a chokehold and lifting him above her. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!" 

Her hair was all but black towards the end. Uh-oh. Not good. Especially since she was strangling Leo before Aquarius's very eyes! 

So she had no choice but to leap in and try and pry her fingers away from Leo's neck. He was steadily turning purple. 

"ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" Taurus bellowed, absolutely frustrated and enraged. 

It echoed throughout the store and several stores down. 


"Um, miss?" the cash register lady asked, staring strangely at her a few minutes later as Taurus was paying for the snacks. "What exactly happened?" 

Taurus flashed her a bright smile. "Oh, nothing." 

The lady at the register blinked at her, probably because of the new accessories she'd gained. 

Aquarius was currently draped around her neck like a scarf and she was carrying a limp Leo bridal style. 

"Thank you for the food!" Taurus said cheerfully, then exited the store, whistling happily. 

All the cash register lady could do was shake her head. "Teenagers these days." 


Yes, yes, I know, I'm evil, aren't I? 

*flashes evil grin*

Now, on to Group Two! 


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