Chapter 1

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Brrrrrrrr! Brrrrrrr! Brrrrrrr!

The small round piece of plastic on the table vibrated and started to blink red. The vibration caused an unpleasant loud noise which forced most people to pick it up to silence it as quickly as possible. However, Jaebum, whom this piece of plastic belonged to, didn't seem to mind it that much. As if the notification was only an optional thing to recognize he continued to focus on the drawing in front of him. In a swift and confidante movement he added a few more lines to the drawing.

After a few seconds however, he started to get annoyed by the vibrating thing, lifted his head and stared at it angrily A deep sigh escaped his throat when he was forced to lay his drawing book and pencil on the table and pick up that annoying plastic thing. Hastily he got up from his way to comfortable seat. Without giving his drawing a second look he walked away from the table to the staircase that lead down to the counter.

The piece of plastic was still widely vibrating in his hands when he reached the counter. An employee with a wide but fake smile greeted him and showed him his order. A soft smile graced his lips when his eyes fell on the Iced Americano and the piece of strawberry cake he had ordered when he entered this place ten minutes ago. The rich smell of coffee reached his nose which made him smile a bit wider. Happily he exchanged the annoying thing for the tray full of wonderful things. He carefully picked the tray up and made his way upstairs again, where his drawing book and his things were waiting for him.

Only a few minutes later he put the tray down and let himself sink into the very comfortable armchair he claimed as his own for the next couple of hours. The place he chose to be seated at was right next to a large window front which allowed him to observe the people on the street downstairs as well as the people who were happily enjoying a cup of coffee in the shop.

JaeBum usually comes to this place. It always served him as a place of inspiration and creativity. It hasn't been that long since he first discovered this coffee shop. However, once he tasted the first sip of their Americano and was met with the warm and comfortable atmosphere he knew that this will be his place to spend hours and hours in the future to draw. The shop was full of people but the sound of them talking wasn't as loud as in other places which made the coffee shop experience even more enjoyable.

When he finally sat comfortably in his chair he grabbed his Americano and took a short sip of that heavenly beverage. Once the cold brew reached his mouth he sighed happily and closed his eyes. The coffee had a strong and rich flavour which wanted him to drink more of it right away. This truly was the best way to live one's life.

He put the cup back on the table and took his sketching book to hand. Again he looked at the last few lines he had drawn, picked up a pen and continued working on the drawing.

There was a name written in the middle of his drawing. Barely visible, however, if you knew it was there you still were able to see it. Different lines and colours covered it up and soon it was almost fully gone. Replaced by a beautiful picture that showed flowers and green plants that hid the name perfectly behind them.

It had taken him almost an hour to complete his sketch but once he saw the end result he smiled happily. He put the book down again to get another sip of his coffee. However, once he saw the oh-so-delicious drink he frowned. Not only was it half empty the ice had already melted, too. A pout appeared on his face while grabbing after the cup.

"Tough life", he sighed and wanted to take a sip when suddenly someone put down another freshly brewed cup in front of him. Cold and with new ice in it. With happily sparkling eyes looked JaeBum up and met the eyes of a handsome man he never had seen before.

"I hope I'm not bothering you. I've been watching you since you entered and was able to catch a glimpse of what you are working on. It's beautiful. As you barely touched your coffee I thought I'd buy you a new one. I hope you don't mind," the stranger said while smiling softly.

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