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"Push Mrs. Jeon! Just a little bit more!"

You squeeze Jungkook's hand even more tightly but he doesn't complain, he holds a camera with his free hand.

He's scared, but not because he's baby is finally coming, he's scared because you are in terrible pain.

"I can see his head!" the doctor says excitedly. "Just one more-"

The cry of a baby interrupts her.

The room goes silent as if the world stopped.

Your heart skips a beat as you heard the cries of your baby; you don't feel any pain anymore even though it is still there, your body goes numb, the only thing you want right now is to hold your newborn.

"Congratulations! It's a healthy baby boy!" the doctor happily says as she hands you your baby.

You hold him in your arms with your bare chest to bond, an ocean of tears go down your cheeks as you see the face of your son for the first time.

"He's so handsome already," You say to yourself.

Jungkook makes sure to film every little detail; this is one of the best days of his life, the other two are the day he asked you out, and the day you two got married, these three days are his happiest memories.

You softly gasp as you see your baby slowly open his eyes for the first time, Jungkook zooms in his little face a little bit more.

"He has your eyes!" Jungkook squeals excited.

Your heart flutters when the first time your baby sees is you.

"Hello there little one," You say snuggling your baby closer to you. "I've waited for this day for so long" your baby makes a cute noise making you grin.

Jungkook stops filming to take a photo of you, immortalizing the mess you are and the cuteness of his son in his arms.

To his eyes there's nothing more beautiful than you and his son in your arms, he will cherish this moment the rest of his life.


"I want to see him!" Your mom demands as she gets into the room with your dad.

"Aaawww! Look at him!" your mom says as Jungkook puts her grandson on her arms.

"He's so handsome, he got our genes," your father says proudly.

You laugh at the comment as your dad is jealous of Jungkook as always.

"Where's my nephew?!" Jin squeals.

You see how all Jungkook's friends come to the reunion.

You put your son in Jin's arms, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung take turns to look at the baby.

"What's his name?" Namjoon asks as he has the baby in his arms.

"His name is Jeongsan" Jungkook says proudly.

"Aw, that was the name you wanted to name your son since forever" Jimin laughs.

The baby makes noises as he doesn't know who these people are but he doesn't cry as you all were expecting.

"He's going to be an extrovert like me! I'm calling it" Taehyung says while having his signature boxy-smile on his face.

You all laugh.

Everyone in the reunion compliments your son from the bottom of their hearts which fills your heart with pure happiness.

When the reunion is over you sit outside on the porch with Jeongsan in your arms, Jungkook comes to sit next to you, he pulls you to his lap.

You lean on him as you watch the sun go down as your son is sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook doesn't pay attention to the sunset; his gaze is fixed on you and his son in your arms. His heart jumps happily in his chest as finally the reality sets in him...

He made you his... 

He can't help but remember the moment and the vow he made to himself after he saw you for the first time at the university.

Who is she...? How can she be so breathtaking? Why am I feeling this way? What is this?

"The first year of every career form a line here!" a teacher instructed.

He saw how the girl that captivated him walked to that line.

He couldn't take his eyes off you a second, you were an eye-candy for him so sweet he didn't want to end his pleasure of enjoying it.

"Jungkook who are you looking to so much?" Taehyung asked him.

He didn't answer so he followed his gaze.

"You like her don't you?" He teased the maknae.

"I swear she'll be mine," he said confidently.

"Wow! Okay, tiger" Taehyung laughed.

Jungkook smiled proudly at the memory.

You turned to look at him, you stared deeply into his eyes.

"Thank you for being the mother of my son" He smiled.

"Thank you for letting me" You lean to kiss him.

Jungkook did so many things to be with you, there were so many occasions he wanted to give up and let you go...

But he never did.

"Hey Jungkook," You say as you look down at your baby.

"Yes, love?"

"I want another baby"

Jungkook smirks.

"Your wish is my command"

~The end~


A/N- This is the end!!! Oh my god💜

I hoped you all enjoyed the story as much as I did; I'm sad it has come to an end...

I hoped you liked my book Thank you for reading!

I love you all 💜(Can't believe is the last time I write all this in this book😢)

Bye-bye! 😫

Finished writing: 4/27/2020

Finished writing: 4/27/2020

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