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(She's 9 right now.)
On October 31, 1998 Marian White was born to her parents Maksim and Nadia White in Golden Ring, Russia. Her father Maksim was a scientist and worked at Rhayd, a lab that dealt with radiation and other harmful chemicals. Her mother Nadia was a dance and gymnastics teacher who trained Marian as a beautiful ballerina and gymnast. Marian has an older sister Zoya, and twin little brothers Ivan and Artem.

One cold morning Marian asked her father if she could go to work with him, since no one else would be in the lab he said she could go but must be on her best behavior. While her father sat at his lab table working on his most recent project Marian jumped, ran, twirled and tumbled around the other room. Marian fell off of the countertop she was tumbling on and fell and broke a vial on her arm. Afraid she would get in trouble, she cleaned up the glass and spill and made it look like nothing had happened. Her father, done with his work for the day yelled for Marian. She quickly threw on her heavy coat and scarf and ran down the hallway to meet up with her dad. They walked through the cold, heavy snow and shivered as they walked to their truck. When they got home Zoya, Ivan and Artem were having hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies with their mom. Ivan ran to Marian and told her they made extra hot chocolate and cookies for her too, they even added extra marshmallows to her hot chocolate just how he knew she liked it.

Before bed Marian showered and got ready for bed, when she was putting on her pajamas she noticed a small rash forming on her arm where she had spilled something on her at her father's lab. She didn't want her mother to notice it when she came to say goodnight so she changed into a long sleeve top and rushed to bed. She kept an eye on the rash for the next few weeks, it looked to be getting better so she decided it was best not to tell her parents and worry them.

Over the next few days she got taller, hungrier, and started getting bad headaches. She questioned what could be going on, and wondered if she should tell her parents about these changes. A few more weeks had passed and everything was fine and then things changed again. Her mind grew at a faster rate than the other kids in school, she went from 4th grade to 9th grade in just a matter of weeks.

She started to notice when her mood changed the air around her would change. When she was mad it snows, sad it rains, and happy it's sunny. She was starting to wonder what was happening. She decided to finally tell her parents what had happened in the lab and what's happening.

She went downstairs to the living room where her parents, little brothers, and older sister were getting ready for a movie. She asked for everyone's attention and then she told them. Her father was mad, but he was more worried than anything. He asked her if there were any more changes than just the height growth and knowledge growth. She said "No." as to keep her powers a secret. And that's just the beginning.

A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am new to writing so sorry if it is bad. Let me know what you think!

Juno out

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