𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏- 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲

410 16 2

"Shit, shit, shit..." I muttered under my breath as I rushed through the empty hallways.

This was my last class before lunch and I'm about to miss it. I don't want them thinking I was some bad student who didn't give a shit about school.

I wanted to have a good first impression. This was U.A after all. One of the most successful schools in Japan.

I finally made it to my class and bolted in not even considering the fact that they were in the middle of class and I was loudly interrupting them. I stumbled through the door clumsily. Everyone stared at me making me want to curl up in a hole.

"Ehm, erm, Tenko... you're late. But, this is your first day so I will excuse this. But don't think you'll be getting away with something like this again. No go take a seat next to Chisaki." The teacher spoke as she pointed over to a brunette wearing a black mouth mask sitting in the back.

I nodded and walked over to the brunette who just glanced at me. Carefully, I sat down at the desk.

The teacher began talking again, continuing her lesson. I felt the brunettes eyes glued to me. I tried to not pay attention to it but I just couldn't help it. I looked over at him and our eyes locked.

Shit. It was my first day and I already made my first fucking awkward encounter.

I felt my face warm up as I quickly looked away. Damnit.

I could still feel his eyes glued to me. It made me feels some what unsettled. What was with this guy and staring? Was he trying to intimidate me? Who was this guy?

I actually ended up spending the whole class period just thinking about him. I was so lost in thought I didn't even hear the bell ring and the teacher dismissing us.

Suddenly, I felt a small tap on my shoulder making me flinch. I looked over and saw him again.

"H-Huh?" I asked nervously.

"Class is dismissed. Since you're new I can show you where the cafeteria is. I mean unless you want to continue day dreaming in here." The brunette spoke in an amused tone.

His voice was actually somehow comforting to me. I'm not sure why, but it just was.

"I-I um... okay."

"Alright! Come on." The brunette spoke happily.

Before I got the chance to get up, my wrists were quickly grabbed and I was forced onto my feet. My head landed on his chest. My face went bright red as I quickly pulled myself away from him.

"S-Sorry..." I muttered.

He didn't even respond to me before he was dragging me out of the classroom. I stayed close to him not wanting to risk getting trampled by the crowd of students.

"So, Tenko Shimura, right?" The brunette asked.

"U-Um yeah." I responded nervously.

"My names Kai Chisaki." The brunette- Err Kai Chisaki spoke.

"O-Oh... nice name." I uttered out.

"You're cute." He blurted out.

I felt my face go bright red as I felt my heart pound in my chest. My stomach felt like it had millions of butterflies flapping around in it.

Shit, shit, shit. I'm already getting a fucking crush on someone? Really? Oh, this is just great! Fan-fucking-tastic!

"I-I..." I was out of words. Nothing came to mind. My mind was absolutely blank.

"Oh! We're already at the cafeteria!" Kai spoke as he dragged me through a large doorway.

"The food here is actually pretty good. I promise, it's amazing." Kai spoke as he continued to drag me.

I felt people staring at me. They were murmuring to one another while staring at me being dragged around by Kai. I felt so embarrassed. I probably looked like a pathetic blushing mess.

We arrived a table and he sat down finally letting go of my wrist. He pat the seat next to him motioning me to sit down.

I reluctantly sat down next to him. He slowly pulled down the mask revealing his lips. They looked so soft and beautiful. They looked as though they were made to be kissed.

"I'll go get us some food, alright?" Chisaki spoke as he stood up and slid past me.

He didn't even give me a chance to respond before he was already ordering the food. A small smile appeared on my face as I pulled out my phone. I guess my first day isn't all that bad. I was thinking I would get beat up, but nope. I actually found a cute guy who seems equally into me as I am into him.

I went onto my phone and began texting a childhood friend of mine. She was actually in this school but I didn't have any classes with her.

I texted her about Kai and how he called me cute. I felt my stomach flutter as I sent the message to her.

She replied but I didn't get a chance to reply before two trays were put down on the table. Kai slid back into his seat next to me.

He began eating his food being careful to not drop any. As I watched his mouth gently close around the spoon I couldn't help but imagine my lips there instead.

Shit, what am I thinking? God I'm so fucking gay.

-Okay, so as you can see by this first chapter, all the characters are pretty different from what they actually are like in the show. Overhaul is still a germaphobe, but not as much as he is in the show. He isn't afraid to touch people, actually he has a problem with being a little to handsy.-

Kiss Me [ShigarakixOverhaul]Where stories live. Discover now