Part 4-Courage and Faith

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GP, Timmy, Penny, and Angel had to work fast they all took separate directions while carrying Wilz and Max. They escaped the arena and she began to look for the rock. “Angel there it is!” It really did look like a dagger. They rustled over there and there were Max, GP, and Timmy. GP being a doctor knew his herbs and he made them a simple tea which could wake up a kid in a 5 year coma. “Angel they are waking up.” Said Timmy. “Ok first things first, Timmy where did you disappear after my party, Penny where were you, and GP how did you know?...” Angel began when Timmy started, “I don’t know all I remember is someone grabbed me and I passed out.” “That’s the same for me,” Penny said, “As for Randy, when we got kidnapped, I never saw him, as far as I know, I don’t even know if he got took by Queen Jayme.” “As for me Angel, I was mountain climbing….” Angel looked at him concerned and began, “Don’t worry will get through this and GP it wasn’t your fault you have nothing to worry about. All we have to do is stop that evil Queen and rescue Randy…..if he’s still there.” She looked distance. Penny could see it in her eyes she was thinking about Randy. When Randy came back from the voyage it was a mere 10 days before they decided to go truffle hunting for Angel’s pasta. Angel decided to wait for them at home since she had tending to do to her crops. Ever since, she has felt like she should have went. “Ok, let’s get this, done, As you know I am a doctor, and I have a dark past. No one knew but I used to work for…” GP started than Wilz interrupted, “No GP don’t speak of it.” Max started, “Its true GP and me worked for her at one time. Him in the psychology department, and me security, as you may have guessed by now, I kidnapped you Penny, and GP brainwashed Scott.” “That’s why he pointed at you! But how could you guys?” Angel said. “We had no choice, Max’s wife was held captive and the Queen said she would let her go if we worked for her; the main thing now is to get these herbs.” GP said. He started to tell them what they would need and where to get them. They started out and finally they obtained, GP began to make the concoction.

            “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!” yelled the new beast. “Oh isn’t he nice?” said the Hunchback. “We have to let him go outside the castle otherwise he may destroy us.”

            Angel and the others began their trek towards the castle. The trees began to fade when abruptly they heard a growl. “ROAR!” “What was that? I’m scared.” Said Penny. “Run.” Said Max. They started running like the dickens. Growls started to creep up on them and the inevitable seemed near. “Quick get down here!” yelled Timmy. He pointed at a little cliff above a river. “We have to jump!” they all said. Right before the beast came at them Max, Penny, Timmy, Wilz, GP, and Angel jumped into the water and was carried away by the current.

            The beast seemed confused and soon came the hunchback along with Queen Jayme. “Where are they”, she yelled, “I need those traitors!” Growls came from the beast and he took off. But something seemed strange about him. He seemed different.

            Right before all of them jumped into the river, Timmy deployed the concoction at the beasts face. Soon enough it would take effect and it would turn the Queen powerless.

            The current carried them into the castle. In the lowest level they had to silently make their way back up to Queen Jayme’s lair. Luck happened to be on their side. All the guards were gone looking for them. So starting off they began to call Randy’s name so he could be found. “Randy! It’s me Angel! Where are you!?” With all of them shouting and looking over every nook and cranny they still couldn’t find him. “Where could he be?” said Timmy. “Geh  I don’t know,” said Wilz, “Maybe hes ummmm dead.” “Don’t say that Wilz, haven’t you ever heard of hope, remember Lolly.” Stated Max. Wilz left the group and began to ascend stairs to a separate room, no one noticed. He crept in an unlocked room. It was completely bare but then the door shut behind him. CLUNK! He looked around but no one was near. “Guys, are you there?” Nothing. In the dark room he couldn’t see anything and just like that Wilz was no more. Someone or something killed him, and soon others will be in his path.

            “Wilz! Oh jeeze, where did he go?” said Penny. “You guys, there’s blood running down the stairs.” Said Max. Max sniffed him out and saw the dead body. They all stood there for a minute and grew sad. They knew he died in horror and left to Jayme’s lair.

            “Growl!” “Shut up! I am your master! You better behave!” Jayme yelled. The beast kept coming closer. “Growl!” “Get away! Get away! Hunchback! You must stop him.” Hunchback looked over and scurried away. Jayme was left all alone. “Help!” Timmy picked it up with his ears and told everyone to follow him.

            Before the monster was about to attack Jayme, someone or something cut the beasts throat. She had been saved. “You….. but I had you……..” Jayme began. “Shut your mouth, your reign is over.” “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Jayme in agony. The thing threw her out the window. She was no more.

            Just as the assassin threw Jayme out, Timmy, Max, GP, Angel, and Penny showed up. “Who are you?” said Angel. “Don’t you recognize me?” “Randy!” they all said. “But how and where did you go?” Max said. “When they came after me and Penny in the forest I knew it was my chance to stop the horrible Queen. When they took her, I followed to spy on them. I found out Jayme used a secret passage to gain access to the castle. At nights I entered the dungeon to feed Penny, I wanted to save her but I couldn’t or it would wreck my goal. Once finding out about her brainwashing program, I got GP to work for them and that’s how we found out how to turn the beasts she brainwashed to turn them on her. The only problem was it wouldn’t work until we had a Mecum turned into a beast. With this little power, we found out Jayme’s empire would collapse. That’s why it wouldn’t work on Scott.” “That’s genius” said Timmy. “But what happened to Wilz?” said Angel. Randy started, “I killed him; don’t you wonder how Timmy went missing? Also why he always cleaned, or why he showed up in people’s dreams? He was working as a spy for Jayme. He wasn’t a giant rabbit but a mystical shape shifter. Their true from is actually the kessy bird. “Ah” they all said, “that explains why Wilz always ate birdseed.”

             Angel and Randy looked out at the sunset of the castle. Sharing a kiss, they looked at their new kingdom. The citizens cheered and were so happy good people would take care of them. Along with Max, Timmy, Penny, and GP, they were going to have a great ever after.  “Hey Angel.” Angel turned around and saw Molly the Moose. “Molly but I thought you weren’t real?” “Of course I am real Angel, but you forgot someone at my place.” It was Mr. Cuddlerunds! The bulldog got into Molly’s pie again. Angel was so happy her bulldog and great boyfriend were here now. Also that Penny, GP, Max, and Timmy were by her side feeling all better.


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