Love turns bad (requested by @Funfruit)

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(warning this is a sad chapter)

(y/n's pov)

I sit in the shower crying. I love him so much but he doesn't return the affection. He has been cheating on me, I know it. I am not mad at mike or her, even though I still love him with my whole being. I started to cry harder while hugging my knees to my chest as Mike walks in. He looks over at the shower and asks "hey what's wrong?". I look at the wall and say "I know what you have been doing behind my back.". As soon as Mike hears that his form stiffens and he then says " I am sorry (y/n).." He looks over at me apologetically. I stand up and turn off the shower and say " It's fine, as long as you are happy now". His eyes widen and he says " you aren't mad at me?". All I can do now is shake me head and grab a towel and wrap it around my waist and walk to the room Mike and I shared and grabbed my suit cases from under my bed. I sniffle as I put all of my belongings inside it and I then get dressed in the change of clothes I left out. After I got done I walked downstairs and to the front door. Mike was on the couch stunned because of what I said. I look over at him and say "goodbye Micheal, I guess I will see you around". With that I walk out the door and get in my car and call a hotel and book a room. I finally arrive and get my key and go up to my room. I get settled in and go to sleep.

~1 year later~

(Mike's pov)

I am sitting on the couch watching tv when all of a sudden my phone rings. I pick it up and say "hello". I then hear (y/n)'s best friend say " Sky's in the hospital, I know you guys aren't together but I just thought you should know". My eyes widen and I say "I am on my way, text me the address and I will be there in 10". I grab my keys and get in my car and drive to the address (y/b/n) sent me. As soon as I arrive I see (y/b/n) holding her head in her hands. I rush over and say " what happened?". She look up and says " the doctors said she has something wrong with her heart." I kneel on the floor shocked. She then looks up at me and says "You know she still loves you right? She still hasn't left her house except for this." My eyes widen more as I start to tear up "I regretted what I did the second she left. I still love her, I should've told her sooner" I look at my hands. (y/b/n) sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry". The doctor then walks out with a sad look on his face and says " I am sorry but, it was too late.". I look up as more tears fall from my face.

(3 person pov)

As the doctor gives (y/b/n) and Mike the bad news the ghost of (y/n) stands next to the doctor shocked. All of a sudden Mike looks up and says " what was the cause of death?". The doctor sighs and says "she died from a broken heart." Mike breaks down after that. The ghost walks over to Mike and wraps its arms around Micheal as it cries. Mike feels the faint touch of the girl and looks up. The ghost then whispers into Mike's ear " I love you". Mike hears the whisper and tears up more. (y/b/n) hugs him as Mike whispers "I killed her". (y/n) whispers "don't blame yourself" before she fades away to the afterlife.

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