Hey, you all! Enjoying the first three chapters? If so, that's amazing! In your opinion, who is your favorite character so far out of the three listed: Christian, Edwin, or Alfonso? We haven't had a full chapter where it was dedicated to Alfonso and his thoughts, but just based on his behavior on chapter 1 and 2, what do you think? Does he annoy you? Make you smile? Don't know? Keep thinking about it; for how though, I present to you Serena's chapter!
Two Days Later
Serena's black curls bounced about, covering a portion of her pale, freckled face as she ran to catch up with the the other students that were entering the huge gymnasium. She held her three inch binder that was under her arms in an awkward position in order to prevent her papers from blowing away. It was quite breezy today; everyone was shivering when they came outside this morning, and many papers, beanies, and candy wrappers were spotted flying about the commons (or recess) area. Yet, she kept on walking, trying her best not to bump into anyone. Once she entered the gymnasium, she was greeted by a heat that was ever so comforting and pleasant, pleasant enough to erase the chills that entered her body a moment ago.
She walked into the girl's locker room with her head down and her shirt over her nose. She wasn't in the mood to see anyone's skin or smell the sweat or perfume coming from the undressed girls gossiping near the lockers. She quickly took off her leggings and thew on some red and white shorts that hid inside her bookbag. She was quite sneaky; barely anyone ever had the chance to see her undressed.
She only wished that the drama queens wouldn't hog the stalls the whole ten minutes of free period.
Nonetheless, Serena skipped over the black bleachers and out into the court, where she was greeted by one of her good friends, Cindy, who wore a wide smirk on her face.
"Hello, shorty! Did you see 'cloudy' yet?" Cindy asked with a raised eyebrow. Serena groaned and immediately started walking off.
"I told you once and I'm not going to tell you again: Me and Christian don't have ANYTHING going on between us! Now, stop asking us, or you'll see a furious Serena walking into the gym from now on," she told Cindy a bit curtly once Cindy caught up with her.
"Then why does he like to poke your back? Why does he smile a lot around you and not around me? It can only mean one thing!" Cindy sang out loud, bouncing around like a five year old. To Serena, she was acting absolutely ridiculous, but could she do anything about it?
Sure, but it won't turn out pretty, so she decides to just shake her head and continue on with her business, which was walking around the court.
"Oh, Serena, dont you dare to try and deny your feelings for Christian! Besides, I know he likes you back!" Cindy persisted; a sly gleam in her eye flickers on and off, which kind of annoys Serena.
"Cindy, stop. I. Don't. Like. Chr-"
But Serena couldn't finish her curt response due to the banging that came from the other side of the court. Startled, she spun her head around as quick as lightning, which caused the dizziness and pain she felt on the back of her head that instant. She could still make out the image of three boys pushing each other around with a hearty laugh. Amongst them were Alfonso, who had just face planted on the ground after the skinny male, Edwin, shoved him.
"Alfonso, are you okay?" Fretted a recognizable voice. A voice she kind of wish didn't belong in this class.
"Pfft! As if that hurt! Watch this!" The small athlete responded as he ran into Edwin with all if his strength. The vigorous Hispanic stood still, however, and therefore caused Alfonso to bounce off of him with another thud. Christian shook his head and held out his hand to help him out. Serena snickered.
The Miniscular Revolution: Rise
Acción>> Seven gifted, young teenagers in NC. >>All of them are rather short for their age. >>All of them have been embarrased at some point for their height >>All of them have been tested to prove they're more than what they seem >>Neither of them seem...