Episode 4 "Under Siege"

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A young Dex awakens in confusion in the back of the survivor van, he looks around and before he can speak a man walks over to him, "Whoa easy there champ, we found you just outside city limits, what were you doing in the city... how the hell did you survive the bombings?" ex is reminded of the trauma that he faced back in LA, he sees the death all over again, the gunshots, the walkers, the screams and explosions, the man sees how traumatised he was, "It's okay, you don't have to say anything, I understand it completely.... I'm John, that guy across from me is Josh, the lady driving is Mia, and the guy riding passenger is Luis... Oh and forgot to mention, that drunk lying down to your side is Rachel, she's passed out half the time. What's your name?" Dex wants to say his name but doesn't want to tell these people his real name so he goes by the name his friends used to call him, "D... Dex."

John hands him a water and says to him, "Well hi Dex, nice to meet ya, we live in this van, it ain't much but we were a travelling group of friends before all of this, seeing all the sights, meeting all kind of people, eating all kinds of food... but ya know how it all ended." Josh sees that he wasn't with his parents and chooses not to ask about them because he didn't want to start their new friendship with possibly sensitive questions. Josh holds the map that they had of the tri state area so he can give Mia directions to the nearest pit stop, "Okay we got a few options here, we either take the next exit or keep going, risk running out of gas and go to the next clear stop, your call M." Mia sees the next exit off in the distance and sees a blood trail, a big one leading into it, she looks at the gas meter and sees that there is a quarter tank, "Judging off that blood trail, our best bet is to go where the dead probably aren't, those things scare the hell outta me." Luis sits there cleaning his gun, "Ya know, I heard that there were communities sprouting up from the military, this news comes from all across the country, I hear states like North Carolina, Virginia, Nebraska, Texas, Washington, and Oregon have quite a few, maybe we can go to one." John leans in and says, "We've been through a few military safe zones, they are either abandoned or gone, lets just ride the open road and see where we end up."

The group keeps on driving, Mia takes a right onto the next clean pit stop and they all load out of the van, Luis fills the van up while Josh and Mia loot the nearby building. "So Mia, 10 bucks says this place is full of supplies we can use." Mia chuckles a bit and says, "Make it 20" Josh laughs a little, and they enter. They look around and a walker comes out and goes over to them, Josh pulls his knife out and before he could go for a knife kill, Mia shoots it once in the neck and again in the head, "Knife kill woulda been better, those things are attracted to noise." Mia searches through some bins while saying, "Yeah well I don't intend to be here long enough to test your theory." Josh opens a heavy crate and then looks behind it to see a bunch of loot, "Hey Mia, you got 20 dollars?" Mia hurries over and sees the supplies, "Shit, you have always been the gambler in the group anyway." She gives him 20 dollars and they begin to carry as much as they can carry out to the van.

They load the van up and all get in, a bunch of walkers begin to come out of the woods due to the gunshot, as they drive off, Dex looks through the back window at the walkers roaming around, he is haunted by the sound of walkers and he doesn't believe any of that was happening.


Dex walks out of the house, early in the morning, he walks down the street and sees people sitting outside, some picking the garden of it's crops, two people walking a dog, he enjoys the sight of peace in the community. He walks some more and walks to the main garden area, he sees Sarah picking tomatoes, Dex walks up to her, "How's your morning been?" Sarah looks up and stops picking, she stands up and says, "I was woken up early in the morning to you mumbling about the death and destruction, is this a recurring thing?" Dex looks down and thinks back to LA, "Sometimes it happens, I'm haunted by the experiences I had that day, the day the world collapsed." Sarah sees the pain he felt just thinking about it, "I was on a family trip when the world fell apart, it was me, my two older siblings, Will, and our parents, we were travelling to Miami from Atlanta and we were caught in the middle of an evacuation on our way into the city, long story short, we were in a wreck, parents were dead, so were my siblings, all mangled up, horrified I got out, then I saw Will and helped him out, we were broken after that, we witnessed horrors that monsters can't even handle to bare witness to." Dex looks at her and says, "I'm sorry that this happened to you Sarah, I guess that just means that we all have seen things and done things that we would much rather not have to witness ever again." Before Sarah can respond a man goes running by with a bow and several arrows, "What the hell is going on."

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