Time to save Mabel!

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The clock struck 5 as the doorbell rang. An excited Mabel flew down the steps to get the door, putting on her most sparkly sweater, "Coming!" She opened the door to find Norman, who had not changed at all for the date, "Hey, Norman. How do I look?"


"You always know what to say!"

The two interlocked arms and left, Dipper and Amanda watch them from the couch but turned their attention to the camera that sat in front of them. They were pretty close to each other, making Dipper happy that she believed him and wanted to help.

"Soos was right. We don't have any real evidence." He said as he hit rewind on the camera.

On frame where the two love birds Playing hop-scotch and failing, on the sides you could see the blurry ears of Jib because it was glued to his head. Another sean was Mabel and Norman with their backs to the camera and arms around each other.

"Dipper, listen." Amanda said, "Just because your sister doesn't believe you doesn't mean that you're not right. Norman is not normal, there is no doubt about it. And it's not the cool, not normal, it's the *phtt* kind"

Dipper smiled at her way to try to cheer him up, it helped. He sighed and turned back to the camera, "Thanks Amanda, but still I guess I can be kind of paranoid sometimes and—" He stopped as soon as he sees on the tape, Norman's hand falls off; he glances around, sees Jib and shrugs, then reattaches it.

"Wait, WHAT?! "

"Go back, go back, go back!!"

The tape rewinds to show the same thing, the two scream as Dipper flips the chair over the scramble to get back up.

"We were right! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Dipper yells frantic as he paces around and his friend grabs the journal, her wand then his hand.

"Freak out later, we got to go save Mabel!" She led them out to the yard looking for the adult that's in charge and should help handle these things.

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Stan!"

But of course, the old man ignores pleads for help and instead argues with a tourist about a rock that looks like a face. Dipper tries to get his attention again, but gets frustrated and drags Amanda away to find some help.

"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy! I need to borrow the golf cart so I can save my sister from a zombie!"

She looks at the two and gives the keys to them, "Try not to hit any pedestrians." And walks away. They smile and rush to the cart, Dipper driving and Amanda in the front seat.

They start to leave but get stopped by Soos, "Dudes, it's me: Soos. This is for the zombies." He says as he hands a shovel to the witch, she takes it with a smirk and tests it in her hands.


"And this is in case you see a piñata." he gave a baseball bat to Dipper. The two kids look at each other and shrug, already used to Soos' strange behavior. They thank him and drive off to save Mabel, "Better safe than sorry!"

Amanda put the shovel away and pulls out her black wand, she starts muttering spells, waving it around. "What are you doing?" Dipper asks as he tries to concentrate on the road.

"I'm trying to find Mabel," She turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "What, did you think we were just going to find her rushing around like lunatics?" she was generally curious and not mocking him.

Dipper blushed and shrunk into himself, "N-no, I just..."

"It's fine. Take a left now, we're close!"

"Don't worry, Mabel!" He calls his sister, hoping that she'll hear him."We'll save you from that zombie!"

Not too far away, they hear her voice crying for help. Amanda points to the direction and tells Dipper that she's right over there.

"Hold on!"

The two get out of the cart and run into an opening in the thick woods, only to find a group of small men with large pointy hats that have Mabel pinned to the ground. Amanda grones, facepalming while Dipper ignores her.

"What the heck is going on here?!"

The Gnomes surrounding the pinned girl hiss at the two newcomers, some back away as they recognized the witch.

"Dipper, Amanda! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total jerks!" Mabel screams, one of the gnomes start to pull her hair to tie her down, "Hair! Hair! Hair!"

"Gnomes? Huh, I was way off." Says Dipper as he takes out the journal out of his vest and begins to read, "Gnomes: little men of the Gravity Falls Forest. Weaknesses: unknown." He looked up to find that the Gnomes have tied Mabel to the ground as Amanda was lazily getting spells ready with an exasperated look on her face.

"Aw, come on!"

"How many a time have I told you guys," Amanda started, "You can't kidnap a girl to marry her! What happens to your last Queen, huh?"

"Wait, you know these guys?!"

"Yep..." She sighs.

A gnome with brown hair comes over with his hands up in mock surrender, sweat forming on his brow as he talks, "Now now, we finished the spring festival last week and after the fest we... needed a new queen..."

Dipper shoves the gnome away, "Hey, HEY! Let go of my sister!"

"Oh! Ha ha, hey, there!" The gnome, Jeff, Says, "Um, you know, this is all really just a big misunderstanding. You see, your sister's not in danger. She's just marrying all one thousand of us and becoming our gnome queen for all eternity! Isn't that right, honey?"

"You guys are butt-faces!"

A gnome quickly covers her mouth, nothing comes out of her but muffled insults. Dipper raised the shovel out of frustration at Jeff, "Give her back right now, or else!"

"You think you can stop us, boy? You have no idea what we're capable of. The gnomes are a powerful race! Do not trifle with the—"

He was cut off by a sharp whistle, Jib jumped from Amanda's robes and laughed himself on Jeff's face.

"AHGH! AH! MY FACE!" The gnome screamed in pain and ran away. Dipper rushed over to his sister, chopping the ropes off with the shovel as Amanda shot spells at the other gnomes making sure they stay away from the twins.

Mabel cheered as she kicked a gnome in the gut away and ran to the cart with Dipper close behind.

"Amanda, come on!" She shouted and buckled unto the front seat.

"Hold on!" The girl went over and zapped a spell at the gnome that Mabel kicked that was clutching his stomach, leaning on a tree. With a loud *zap* the Gnome started violently barfing rainbows on the ground. "Hehe, okay let's go." She jumped on the back of the cart seconds before it sped away, leaving the gnome tribe in the dust.

"You've messed with the wrong creatures, kids! Gnomes of the forest: ASSEMBLE!"Jeff screams as the other gnomes dogpile him, they slowly rise in size and form.

"Hurry, before they come after us!" Mabel screams to her brother.

"I wouldn't worry about it." He reasoned as Amanda's eyes blew up and started to mutter more spells. "See their little legs? Those suckers are tiny!"

"Dipper, never underestimate the creatures in Gravity Falls!" Yelled Amanda as a giant gnome monster broke through the tree line, starting to chase the cart, starting a chase scene that might cost them their lives.

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