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THE FOUR GIRLS SAT LIKE MEN IN THE ATTIC groaning and chatting in manly voices. Lilian sat upside down on her chair her legs dangling over the top. She was nodding and held her paper made glasses to her face.

Meg was currently speaking, "A play written by Jo March, will appear at the Barnville Theater in the course of these next few weeks, which will surpass anything ever seen before on american stage." She spoke, pretending to read off the blank sheet of paper. "Starring the greatest actress from here to the Mississippi river, Meg March." Jo added pointing her hand to Meg as they all clapped and nodded.

"Weekly report! Meg - Good, Jo - Bad, Lily - Good, Beth - Very good, Amy - middling." Meg spoke in her manly voice. "That's excellent." Lily added in the blood rushing to her head but didn't make any effort to move.

Jo stood up, "Mr. President and gentlemen, I wish to propose the admission of a new member. One, who highly deserved the honor, would be deeply grateful, and would add immensely to the spirt of the club. I propose, Mr. Theodore Laurence!" Jo said making all the girls yell.

Lily fell back off her chair from the shock. Jo rushed over and helped her up before Lily sat up straight letting the blood rush back down. "Absolutely not!" Meg and Amy complained. "This is a ladies club, no real boys are meant to be in it!" Meg said taking off her fake glasses and mustache.

Lily on the other hand had different thoughts, "I barley know this kid, but I think we should let him in. We need a real boy to show if we're actually doing this right." Lily said making Jo smile at the girl and make Amy complain even more. Beth nodded, "I think we should do it! I say yes to Laurie!"

Jo smiled at the girl as well, "A show of hands?" She asked as Lily, Jo, Beth and Meg raised their hand. Beth forced her hand up and they all nodded. Laurie was to join the group. "And there is no time like the present!" Jo spoke as Laurie jumped through the curtain of clothes.

Lily yelled and fell off the chair once more making all the girls and Laurie to burst out laughing. Meg helped her up right again and she laughed once more.

"Ladies please this is my stratagem, I deserve the blame! Jo only agreed after amounts of teasing!" Laurie said as it was obviously a joke as he bowed. "Here here!" Jo said throwing one fist in the air.

"I merely say as a slight token of my gratitude and as a means of promoting friendly relations between adjoining nations, I propose this set of keys for a little post office I made in the forest by the pond." Laurie spoke standing up right and pulling out a set of keys as he started to pass them around.

"Allow me to present five copies of the key, and with many thanks to your favor, take my seat as a part of the club." He said as he passed the keys out. He faced Lily an winked, "Great fall Lils." He whispered before moving on. Lilians ears started to burn red out of sheer embarrassment. Lily looked at her key that had a red ribbon attached to it. She looked at Laurie as he looked back at her and the two smiled at each other. They both felt something in their stomachs. Something odd.


IN THE MOMENT LILY WAS NOT HAPPY AT all. She was being forced to attend some opera with Meg and Jo. She knew she was being selfish but she didn't care. She hated human interaction and she hadn't had the time to work on her garden in 4 days which made her very upset. But she was excited to see Laurie which she would never admit of course.

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