Is this my Reality?

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*This is just a joke-fic*  *I DO NOT own any of the characters or movies etc that this fanfic is set in.*  All things belong to their respective owners, I am making no claim over anything in this fic. That is all.*

                                                                      *Now, Enjoy my lovelies*


Gaston couldn't tell if he was alive or dead.  Just moments before he had been descending into darkness.  The feeling in his limbs had faded long ago, and as he waited in silence he contemplated his actions.  The battle was glorious of course, and he would continue to pride himself on facing the beast head on.  At least he had killed the beast even if it cost him his life.  Belle would be all alone in that castle.  Serves her right for rejecting him.

A sharp sharp pain in his side interrupted his thoughts as he started seeing color again.  There through the darkness came wisps of purple swirls, feeding their way to him through small invisible holes.  He struggled, trying to avoid them in this black void.  He tried to open his mouth to scream but felt the darkness tip him over into unconsciousness. 

(Le time skip)-brought to you by -avitalshtap- for inspiring me to write this with their fanart**

Gaston woke with a stuttered breath, his vision was blurry and unfocused.  It was blurry and he couldn't help but feel a little...scared? No, certainly he of all people wouldn't be afraid of a little blindness.  Of course not he chided himself as he sat up against what he could only guess was a straw mattress.  How pitiful he thought to himself, the fact that he, Gaston would ever  be put on such a cheap thing made him grit his teeth.  He took a moment to compose himself before deciding that he had to cut his losses and focus on regaining his sight.  It was his only chance to escape wherever he was and get back to Belle.  He shifted around swinging his feet over the edge of the bed and felt a pot fall over as it collided with his boot sending what could only be shards scattering across the floor.

"So, you've woken up."  a scratchy female voice said, irritation evident.  Refocusing the large man out of his thoughts.  There is no way that this was real? was it?  He had just been falling down a ravine and now?  He didn't know what to think, wasn't there a chapter in Belle's book that said something like this?

This is quite uncomfortable Gaston thought.  Could it be a lady has taken me captive? No, there's no way.  What a silly idea, women are weak.  Yes that's it, she could never have even lifted me he thought smugly.  I'll just tell her what to do like all the others, and she'll scamper away and do my bidding.

"Excuse me little lady, but I would like to know where I am"  Gaston asked in a confidant and deep voice.

"Gah!"  The voice screeched. Gaston flinched at this wanting to cover his ears.  The voice sounded high pitched, certainly no lady would have such an ugly voice.

 "Of course I get another entitled and stupid servant."  The voice said wandering farther away.  Blabbering on about men being useless.

Gaston gritted his teeth at the thought of needing a woman to help him.  Then again he was practically stranded without his sight.  Sighing he sided against his ego and swallowed his pride 

"No please, I would like to know why I'm here I-"

The voice cackled interrupting him.  "My name is Yzma, advisor to emperor Kuzco, and you answer to me now.  You are my new servant and, you start as soon as you regain your sight."  She answered with a lilt in her voice.  

So her name was... Yzma?  Gaston halted himself for a second, he had neither been referred to as a servant or been told what he would be doing.  This was outrageous, he was Gaston.  Regardless, she had time to learn that he answered to no one... if only LeFou was there.

"I hate to tell you Yzma, but I am no ones 'servant', and I answer to no one.  So lets be civil and acknowledge that you should let a strong capable man be in charge." Gaston said smirking at his choice of words. 

His thoughts were interrupted when Gaston felt a smack across his face.  He was startled.  The girls in the village would never lay a hand on him like this.  This was new.  He couldn't help but gasp out loud.  He held his hand up to his cheek still feeling the tingling sensation that was left over from Yzma's slap.

Then he felt stinging in his eyes as his blurred vision melted into purple and fixed itself until he saw the woman that stood in front of him.  A wrinkly old witch, no hag.  With a pointy chin and long lashes that curved around like spider legs across her purple sagging eyelids.  He wanted to scream, he had never seen such a vile looking woman.

Gaston sat there in silence.  This woman looked nothing like the women from his village, always dressed nicely and their hair styled, with makeup.  They would throw themselves at him practically, they would never talk down to him.  Who does this Yzma think she is.  

This was going to be interesting to say the least.


Kronk sat at the edge of his fathers house.  The sun was almost done setting below the horizon and the stars began to peak out from the inky blackness of the sky that poured over from its edges.  He had lost all that he cared for.  He had lost his fathers approval, his chance at redemption, and...Kuzco.  He would never admit it but he loved Kuzco.  The fact was however that he never  would have another chance with him, Kuzco had to marry a woman and continue his life at the palace.  Having children and living in luxury.

Suddenly Kronk had an idea.  Yes, he would travel back to the castle and convince Kuzco to come back with him.  They would be able to live out a life where they could both be together and enjoy the rest of their lives together. He smiled at this idea and stood up wiping away his tears.  Here I come Kuzco he thought happily to himself.  

Kronk stepped up towards the house that belonged to his father, this would probably be the last time he saw him, so he continued in past the door and there was his father at one of the tables his head in his hands.  

"Hey uh,  dad I uh, just wanted to say that I uh.  I- I love you dad."  Kronk waited for a response and all that came out was an annoyed grunt.

"You've always been useless to me boy.  Its time you leave... And don't come back and embarrass me again."  Papi said.

Kronk held back tears as he walked past his father and to the shed to gather supplies for his journey.  He wanted to be accepted but he knew that if his father couldn't handle him not being the head chef, he knew that openly loving Kuzco, a man, would make him fly into a rage. 

Kronk sighed and grabbed all that he could put into a sack basket from his fathers storage.  He put in some bread, chicken, and some soup.  That should be enough for two trips he thought proudly.  Kronk then left for the stairs once again.  This would be the trip of a life time.  


Im SORRYYY, but I want to build up suspense and make it a semi-slowburn.  Plus it takes me more time to proofread.  Enjoy Lovelies, until next time :D *peace*

*Also, a thank you to my editor, Speck.* :D

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