salvaje carte

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Shes a wild card! Even more mysterious girls.
Shes really mysterious and has a killer backstory in my opinion.

Her ability, no one is sure about, it mostly has to do with affecting other abilities. She seems to be able to shut down abilities nullify them kind of. But she really does it so it's unsure if if you can do it consciously or only by accident or side effect. What happens most of the time is unpredictable the, her ability seems to like make it totally random wild a person with a nice ability will make all the water droplets in the air freeze at random. Or maybe it'll just effect metal and make it perspire. It does really random stuff, and while it can soften it and lessen its Effectiveness and stomach could do really weird things it mostly amplifies it by like a crazy strong now like it changes from person to person but like. In the future she does it to Abby and when she's in this very emotional distress State and Abby's abilities to break things apart Make Them Fall Apart, somehow she makes radio waves Fall Apart and causes a huge earthquakes and even like to some degree some bonded molecules they like start to separate like unnaturally know the natural way that they do with reactions and all that stuff.
She's a girl yeah she's her clothes are really weird though she always wear something over her face like a mask a really big hat even just like you know she puts a whole bunch of face paint on it sure is pretty elaborate decorative clothes and now for her personality. Her personality is really weird as well as weird as everything else about her she's mostly quiet, but when she does talk it changes really quickly sometimes she's really shy other times she's very angry she's got so many different parts of her (personality).

Her backstory, I'm not exactly sure how realistic this is I mean it is skyfi action-adventure kind of fantasy and all that and like you know in the future at least one of the timelines their abilities do seem to get farther away from science and more towards Fantastical all that stuff. Anyways her backstory is that you know how omniss she steals abilities that's her thing
  Omniss takes stuff from people whether it be their life their ability and what she steals depends on her intention and her mood like for most abilities. Salvaje Carte's ability identity in general is kind of like that. Omniss was the first person infected but in a way you could say that salvaje carte was actually the first person although technically the last person as well. 

Her thing is that all the kids who died with they're abilitity stuff. (Yiu know how even thiugh created through the virius and unfectant it seems to be somewhat dissociate)mean the abilities seemed to be transferred from person to person but it kept on exploding and destroying until it found an infectant, one of the kids whose ability  allowed them to house multiple Miss inside them (she also died and became one of the many abilites making up salvaje as well ) and she just became all the kids who died.
yeah is very intense and it sounded way cooler my head and if I could tell you it sensibly you would think it's cool but this is what you got so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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