Kuroo Making You His Bitch.

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Y/N Pov

 You sat quietly as you watched the practice matches between teams at the Tokyo training camp. As you studied the boys' movements, you began to notice that your eyes kept locking onto Kuroo. The way he moved had you mesmerized. 

  You watched as he and Tsukkishima played 2v2 against Bokuto and Akaashi. You could tell that he was very focused. Reading every one of their movements, so that he could catch the perfect moment. As Bokuto jumped up to hit the ball, so did Kuroo. You saw Bakuto's eyes shift to the side, signaling that he saw an opening. But as quick as Bokuto saw it, Kuroo's eyes tracked his. You caught a smirk being painted over his face as he realized he was going to be able to stop Bokuto and he quickly moved his arms to the side and blocked Bakuto's spike.

  Everyone in the room was astonished, including you. A small amount of blush spread across your cheeks. He looked around the room to see everyone's expressions but he stopped on you. You quickly averted your eyes and you felt your face get hot. You could have sworn to saw him smirk before you looked away so quickly.

  "How about we wrap up for the day?" One of the Karasuno coaches beamed.

  Everyone quietly agreed and began walking off and chatting while packing up their belongings. you figured that it was appropriate that you mopped the floors. All the boys seemed so tired and you didn't do much but watch since you were Nekoma's team manager. You thanked everyone for playing strong and walked  into the supply closet to your right, hoping to find the mop.

  "Hey, do you-"

  The voice startled you due to its sudden appearance and caused you to yelp and drop the mop you were carrying. 

  You turned around to see a cackling Kuroo standing behind you. He was laughing so hard he started holding his arm around his stomach. He sounded like a Hyena...

  "Well it really wasn't that funny." You muttered, still a bit flustered from Kuroo entering the closet so suddenly.

  He was still giggling a bit but, when he began speaking again, he stopped.

  "Oh, but how could it not be funny that your face is so red over something so little? I was only going to as if you needed help." He said a bit slow as his light-hearted smile from his laugh turned into a sneaky grin.

  You weren't sure how to respond, but as his facial expression registered in your mind, you began to blush again and quickly looked away.

 God, why am I blushing so damn much??

  You were too embarrassed to look at him, so you kept your head down and your hands to your side.

  You heard a deep chuckle escape from Kuroo's lips, so you built up the courage to look back up at him. When you did, you caught him looking you up and down and back to your eyes, making eye contact with you, causing you to blush more.  

Damn, what is he doing?

 You heard is footsteps walking back you the closet door. He peaked out to see if there was anybody still lingering around and spotted one of the karasuno coaches.

  "Is everything alright?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

  "Oh, of course. Y/N and I were just going to stay behind and mop the floors, if thats okay." Kuroo said with a small grin. He looked at the coach and back to me, giving me a smirk, and quickly looking back at the couch, giving him his previous grin.

  What the hell does that mean? And why the hell is he staying behind with me?? Im capable of moping the stupid floor by myself...

  You snapped back into reality, pulling away from you thoughts as you realized you had missed the conversation the two men were having.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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