Chapter One

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I lean against the button of the hoist, hand on my hip, staring at Devon in disbelief. I shake my head, "You know, just because I'm your best mate, doesn't mean you can come to me every time you hear a weird noise in your car."

He snaps out of his trance, staring at the car parts spread across the work bench. He looks up and sends me a gleeful smile. "Yes it does, all the more reason to come see you!" I shake my head smiling.

Devon has been my best friend ever since we were in nappies. We grew up on the same street, with the same friends. But when high school hit, we lost touch with each other. Even after our group truce, when we promised to stick together through high school, we slowly dispersed into other groups, leaving behind Devon and I.

We're literally inseparable, even when I'm working. He gives me the best fashion tips and latest goss within the school. He's my shoulder to cry on and even knows my deepest darkest secrets. He's the only one that knows how badly I was hurt by the last guy I dated, Aaron. I hate that name. He broke my heart, no, he didn't break it, he ripped it out of my chest, threw at the ground and stepped on it multiple times until it turned into ash. But that's a story for another time.

"Whatever." I retort. Once the car is high enough for me to walk under, I look around the engine block. "Where did you say you heard this noise?" I look around the poles of the hoist at Devon.

"I don't know, you're the mechanic, you find it." He shrugs. I sigh as I lower the car, probably should've started the car first.

Starting the engine, I pop the bonnet to listen carefully. I notice the strange noise coming from the front of the engine, where the fan belt is located. "Found the problem, dickhead." I switch the car off and reach down to grab the rock that was rubbing against the belt. I pitch the rock at Devon's head, missing him by inches.

"What the fuck, Danni!" He dodges the rock twenty seconds after it flies past him. He looks down at the rock then back at me, "Oh," he chuckles "Oops?"

"I told you to stay off the dirt roads! This piece of shit can't handle it." I square up to him, just as I'm about to open my mouth, the office door opens and out steps my father.

I turn around swiftly and notice the muscly build standing at the doorway, "There's someone on the phone, wanting to make an appointment, I have to step out so can you take over?" I glare at him. I turn back to Devon, throwing him the keys.

"Get out of here, scumbag!" I ruffle his hair followed by a kiss on the cheek. "Catch ya!" I walk into the office, picking up the phone.

"Good afternoon, Stone Mechanics, Danni speaking!" I sit down on the black desk chair, swinging back.

"Hi," the mysterious voice replies, husky and deep. I think I fell in love. "Uh, hello?" I snap back into reality.

I clear my throat, "Apologies, how may I help?" I hear the person on the other end sigh.

"Listen, I'm here visiting, and my car has broken down. Is there a guy that can come out and help me out?" I shook my head. A guy? A male? A guy male? You have got to be kidding me.

"Okay, uh, so we have a tow truck. I can send someone out there, if there's any problems, they can just tow it back?" I put my head in my hands, trying to think of a solution.

"Great, that sounds great. When can you get someone out here? I'm in the Main Street, our the front of a brown and green cafe." I snickered, does he not know how to read a sign?

"Rover's Cafe, got it. Someone should be with you in about half an hour." I smiled through the phone. He replies with a dismissive thank you and hangs up.

I get up and walk out to the workshop, no one in sight. I quickly wash my hands and phone my dad, in hopes he'll be able to send someone. "Hey Dad, can we send someone out to go help a stranded guy on the Main Street?"

"No can do, honey, everyone's on lunch break, I even sent a few guys home early because we were so quiet. Sorry, but just close up shop while you go check it out." I sigh as I hang up the phone.

I've never done a call out before, I don't even know what I'm meant to do. At least we have a tow truck fulls of the right tools. "A guy." I repeat to myself in my head. "Let's go show this prick that I can do a mans job." I sighed as I close up shop.
Why hello there friends!

Welcome! I'm from Australia so I will be using a lot of slang, whatever you don't understand I can add to a dictionary type of thing at the end of each chapter. I've never seen book based around a female mechanic so I decided to write one! Please bare with me, I haven't written in a long time.

Bonnet: hood?


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