king of the music scene...

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"I'm back *hahahahaha*

So lets rewind
Back to the time
2005 I almost died,

I overdosed,
I did not know
That I provoked
This evil ghost,

Magically I turned
Tragedy into melody,
Over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally,
So smooth and casually,
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene,

Lala lalala...

I dug a hole 10 miles wide
So I can throw all of you inside,

You're such a dumb fuck,
You need to shut up,
You bring a picture of me every time you get your haircut,

Magically I turned
Tragedy into melody,
Over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally,
So smooth and casually,
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene,

Lala lalala...

Oh, bruised and broken,
My eyes are opened
I won't lose focus,
My eyes are opened
Can you see
In the distance?
Can you see
The resistance?
We will rise,
Rise against them
From the start,
Rise against them!!

Magically I turned
Tragedy into melody,
Over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally,
So smooth and casually,
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene...

Magically I turned
Tragedy into melody,
Over catchy beats,
It comes so naturally,
So smooth and casually,
That's why they call me king
Of the music scene............" I sighed knowing the song was over and stared at the ceiling of my peach colored room,recollecting thoughts about my life. First off both my parents including my sister despise me without a doubt,they disowned me while I was at the age 11. I always suspected they'd do that at a time,and now I'm all alone nobody to hold close to me but my chihuahua Tobie since not only I was betrayed by my family I was also betrayed by my one and only use to be best friend when I caught him fucking my now ex-boyfriend just last year. What a life,aye?Yup and it's mine....Of course nobody will ever want me I am a disgrace to life like my parents always told me before abandoning me. I am just stating a fact that I know truly.   My thoughts were disrupted by the sound of my phone going off . Who could possibly be calling now at this time?! I tapped the green answer button holding it up against my ear shifting upwards in a sitting position accidentally waking up Latte mouthing 'sorry' at him. "Hello?"I questioned after hearing nothing but silence. "Hello there, human." A mysterious husky voice called out humbly. I merely stared blankly at my dog before bombarding the mystery person with questions. " W-who are you and w-why are you calling?Also,w-why did you call me human like you aren't?!"I heard laughter his!end,pouting to myself."One my name is Vladimir but um just call me Vlad and the reason I am calling you is confidential but I will tell you I am not human just as you said before..."My eyes widened at his response,looking at Latte only receiving a 'Don't look at me I don't know shit' face.Like he was any help,tch..."W-what do you mean not human?And why can't you just tell me the reason you're calling?!"I frowned hearing his laughter yet again after my rampage. "Well I use to be human but sadly I am now a servant of hell which you may recall as a vampire,that explains everything?"I huffed in anger still not accepting his answer. "That still doesn't explain why you're calling me!!"I yelled making Latte jump in fear bouncing off my bed. I instantly felt bad and leaned over picking him up replacing him on my lap with a sigh. "That was cute.."Vlad said quite casually,making my blood boil."Are you watching me?Where are you?!"I shouted angrily looking around my room. "Yes now calm down..."He reassured me calmly. "How am I suppose to calm down when some whack job that thinks he is a vampire is watching me in my own bedroom from some unknown place?!"I angrily shouted yet again,what is going on?

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