Healing through letting go

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Stress. Pressure. Fears. False beliefs. What do all of these serve? They cloud our judgement, create mental, emotional and physical pain and even worse, ruin our lives.

But yet, we find it so hard to just LET GO!

Letting go means being willing to allow life to carry you to a new place, even a deeper more true rendition of self. Holding on means trying to push life into the place of your making or be damned.

Letting go is not easy and many spend their whole lives living in the in-between of joy, peace and love because of what blocks these wonderful, positive, life-bearing emotions are stonewalled by baggage.

You can only benefit from releasing what doesn’t serve you. For you and those you love, you will be happier and healthier for it.

The way then to let go of emotional pain is through acceptance and expression. When we can learn to accept that sometimes ‘bad’ things happen, tragedies occur, people will say and do unkind things to us, just like we will occasionally say and do unkind things to others, then we’ve taken a great step forward. Life is full of experiences and they’re not all pleasant. Acknowledgment of this is liberation!

The next step is to express our feelings. When something happens that causes us to experience negative feelings, we need to talk about it. When someone hurts us, forgive them. I think this is perhaps the greatest mark of a person’s character … their ability to forgive. Forgiveness is not easy, but as the old axiom goes, it is a gift you give yourself. Something that helps in the forgiveness process is to remember that everyone is doing the best they can with what they’ve learned. If someone has mistreated us, it’s because that’s what they’ve learned. They don’t feel good about themselves and they are not conscious of our true spiritual nature.

Letting go will lead to a more fulfilling, joy and peace-filled life.

Gain confidence. When you let go of the things you hide behind, you will see how much your worth really is. It’s not about your looks, your possessions and your pride. It’s about who you are, your beliefs and how you treat people. Once you let go of being judged, you will allow confidence in it’s purest form to take up that space.

Gain health, physically. Let go of stress and trying to be perfect, to feel better. You cannot do it all! No one is Super Woman or Super Man. You are leading yourself down a road of physical dis-ease by trying to be the perfectionist, do-it-all wonder woman or man. Everything over time will manifest physically, good or bad. To feel healthy and vibrant, balance is key. Releasing the need to do it all and be perfect is essential to have a stress-free and physically healthy life.

Enjoy life more by making you a priority. When you let go of the thinking that ‘everyone and everything else is more important than me’, learn how to say ‘no’, and give yourself permission to love and pamper yourself, you gift yourself with more time allowing more peace and joy in. Maybe you will find time to take a class you always wanted to, see a friend you haven’t in some time, etc.

Tranquility and calm enter when you let go of time. We want it, need it, have to have it, done, said, closed, etc. NOW. Letting go of the expectations we set on ourselves (and others) for what we need by when we need it, reduces anxiety, tension and stress. Allowing things to unfold in divine timing requires the releasing of beliefs surrounding how much time something should take.

Peace to just Be. Releasing harmful, negative self-beliefs is one of the toughest things to do. Undermining and self-sabotage is Rule #1 in the playbook for ‘1 Million Ways to be Totally Unhappy and Unsuccessful’. What do you believe about yourself that is your own dark little secret? Yet you really know that it’s only your belief and not reality. These negative, self-sabotaging thoughts are the most difficult to reverse or pull from our psyche as we have believed them all our lives. To get rid of that one (or more) plaguing false belief, think of the peace you would experience.

Talk to a professional therapist.
If you have continued challenges with letting go of worry and anxiety, a Psychological counseling can help you develop appropriate coping strategies to deal with issues that trigger excessive worrying. Psychological intervention can give you coping methods that you can use either within or outside other treatment programs. The therapist will help you identify what types of thoughts and beliefs cause the anxiety and then work with you to reduce them. The therapist can help you by suggesting ways that may help you change. But you have to be the one to make the changes. Therapy is only successful if you work on getting better.

Regardless of your individual circumstances, the act of letting go brings about a life change creating a loss which – if perceived as negative by you – leads to grief. You may want to hold on to the old ways or people afraid of the pain involved or the possibility that there is nothing/one else – it may even seem as if you are giving up. However, life is about rebirth and renewal and it will reward you when you let go by bringing in the new – this experience of the new lays the foundation for your self-transformation.


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