New Camp Counselor

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"David, you're fucking kidding me. I get that another counselor was my idea and all, but after that nut job Daniel, I thought we'd just give up." Gwen complained.

"Now now, Gwen! I think we should at least try! I don't mind taking care of the kids all the time, but you deserve a break! You've done so much hard work! And it's to late now, whoever it is is already on their way here!" David's voice was as cheery as ever. He was a bit worried after the rivalry with Daniel, but he ignored the worry.

"Yeah, I get that, but I've watched way to many horror movies. If anyone else even wants the job, we could all be dead in a matter of hours. That's literally what happened with Daniel."

"You're exaggerating! Me and Daniel, only had a civil rivalry! We only played one song."

"Ugh, don't remind me. The rivalry isn't what I was talking about anyway. God, your so oblivious and trusting." Gwen was pretty much done with David's shit by now.

David saw someone walking towards the counselor'd cabin. It definitely wasn't Kameron Campbell, The Quartermaster, or one of the taller campers. He stepped outside, Gwen following behind him.

David waved, welcomingly before getting a good look at the person. He gasped audibly.

"JASPER?!!" David tackle hugged him to the ground.

"D-David? You.. work at camp Campbell?"

"For legal reasons I can't say work, it's more like volunteering, but I'm so excited to see you!! I have something I need to say too, actually." David quickly got off Jasper and helped him up.

"Jasper... I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let Camp Campbell get in the way of our friendship! I'm actually so glad you're here because I've been thinking about it for years!"

"For years?? Wow, that's actually kind of why I decided to become a counselor here in the first place. My therapist says it would be good to let go of the past.. I think that goes for you too"
Jasper technically wasn't lying about what he said. He thought about this for a moment. 'I'll finally be able to let go of this place when it's actually gone. I'll be happy to see this place fucking burn, hopefully I can stop the kids here from being traumatized. That shrink doesn't know what he's talking about anyway, I'll get over it my way.'

"So.. you two know each other?" Gwen asked, impatiently.

"Yep! We were best friends when I went to
Camp Campbell!" David exclaimed.

"Are we hiring him? Not like I think we'll have any other candidates anyway, but are we sure he isn't a terrifying cultist looking to sacrifice is with poisoned grape koolaid?"

"That's seems.. oddly specific?" Jasper was confused. It didn't look like she was making that up, but David seemed confused too. "W-Wait.. the add said there were only two other camp counselors and if you two are here, who's watching the kids?"

Gwen was immediately panicked. She ran off to the mess y'all, yelling "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" The whole way. David ran after her, but Jasper wasn't in as much as a rush. He casually walked the direction they were heading, looking at the scenery, seeing what had changed. When he got there he saw absolute havoc. The Quartermaster was putting out a small lawn fire seemingly caused by a short girl with mint hair and a taller boy with curly hair. There were two kids arguing, both in equally stupid magic getups. Then, there were five kids playing poker. One wearing a makeshift spacesuit, another in what looked to be... Nazi uniform? The third in a weird flamboyant theater shirt, a large red headed kid, and a lanky blonde. They seemed to be betting candy. Jasper watched calmly. He was unsure of what to do, he didn't know any of the kids and they didn't seem to pay him any kind. David and Gwen tried desperately to get everything under control, but this was a price of fake considering what they had gone through.

A short kid with fluffy black hair stood on the sidelines and watched. He seemed to be the puppeteer of all of this somehow. Jasper walked up to him, casually, but the kid was surprised to see him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Jasper, the new camp counselor."

"Not again! I thought David would learn his lesson after last time, this is bullshit!"

"I'm not exactly glad to be in this shithole either, but atleast give me a chance sheesh."

"You've only been here, what, ten minutes and you already know it sucks? Geez, I guess that just proves how stupid David is."

"Actually, I went here when I was a kid, with David. Though you're right. I'm not surprised he's still this fucking cheery."

Max gave Jasper a smile. More mischievous than anything. David walked over to Max and Jasper, holding Spacekid.

"I see you've met Jasper! He's our newest camp counselor and also happens to be my childhood best friend! Go ahead, introduce yourself!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm Max and I'm basically the ring leader of this place, so don't fuck with me, alright?"

"Max, language!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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