part 12: The vow

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Hi friends
Thanks for all your support.

I thank my dear friend AISHU for this Lovely cover .

Here is the update. I warn you that the vow here sound a little odd. But the story demands it .so you are warned


Sultan POV
" was really easy " I rolled the car key on my index finger and hummed a tune.
"Come on Sultan keep it are such a....hmm....evil.."I laughed to myself.
" Btw...what the hell is life if we won't have a little fun to the other victim," I walked to the internees room so that I can meet my favourite .. prey. As I wished she was alone there without the presence of that bratty Misha..whom I hate with passion and ofcourse my cousin Kabir too. I hate them both because they always support Rk not me.
I walked towards her silently and boomed at her startling her in the process.she turned to face me with wide eyes and a cry erupting from her mouth. Her face relaxed when she realised it was me and clueless human are.
"Oh...Sultan...I might got an heart know" she said
"No way madhu...I will give you cpr when it happens "I smiled
"Sultan..." Sne called in mock warning
I took the chair and she sat down opposite to me.
"Btw you were dreaming when I came here" I threw the bait for the prey to bite
"No...just random things" she shrugged
"Hey don't looked like you were thinking about your boyfriend" I said and I was happy that the conversation is going to the mode where I would like it to be.
." don't have a boyfriend"she said
"Oh really that's a are sucu a beautiful girl and you.dont have a boyfriend..but I am sure you have some crush on someone" I heard her mind mumbling Rk but I played ignorant. Her face fell at my notion .
"" she denied.
"madhu ...madhu...madhu...your face saying otherwise....may I share you a secret " I threw next bait
"What??" She asked curiously
"Hmm... someone is having a great crush on you is such a great passion that he is sacrificing everything so that he could be near you" I said
"What ??what r u saying Sultan... someone loves me .. sacrificing something?? it some riddle?" She asked
" Well..the things are complicated " I said
"Oh really ..." She smiled" is that you did?...r u playing with me??...we have much  age difference , ofcourse if it was for trishna,I would always confess that I am attracted to her " I said making  a sad face.
"Sultan...r  u serious "she asked a bit worried
"Yeah...but it's okay...I was a little late and he proposed the way it's about you now " I said moving my pieces into right place
"What about me??"she asked
" About the one who loves you...I think you should give him a chance before it is late" I said with moving the plan further
" Hmm...well ...but " she stopped but I heard her mind mumbling I love Rk.
I smirked at the human how oblivious she is, because I myself need her to continue her little crush on my brother so that I can destroy him forever.
"Don't you want to know about him??" I said as I heard some footsteps and realised that Misha is coming towards the room .
"Who is he??"she asked yes..that's the correct question my dear human I said in my mind
"He...he is...." I dragged it dramatically so that Misha will reach the room in her human speed .if she was in our house she will have reached here in a flash. Then Misha entered and as I expected she asked"Sultan ..y r u here??"
"I...we were just talking" I said in fake innocence
"Don't act so innocent Sultan...I know you.what is cooking in that filthy mind of yours??"she mindlinked.
"You will never guess "I mindlinked her and stood up from the seat.
"Sorry madhu...I think I should go...we will talk later " I said "bye " and I went out of the room more than delighted with the little victory I had achieved.
madhus POV
When Sultan left I was really in a confusion. When was that guy whom he talked about?...but I never had any close connection with any of the males here except Rk and Sultan .Sultan clearly said that it was not him and Rk is in love with my sister. Then who else. If misha wasn't interrupted I could have known who he is.. anyways I am not interested in anyone else...but thoughts drifted to the morning scenes.
I heard someone clearing thier throat and my train of thought halted midnway. I looked at misha who was gazing me curiously.
" What was he doing here??" She asked me with hatred in her voice.
Y the hell I feel that everyone in his family despice him.what he had done for such a hatred.
"madhu"misha called again
"Hmm...he was just talking about my job and trishnas marriage"I liked to her
She frowned and o felt like she is thinking something.
"What he asked about marriage??" She asked again. I felt irritated at her questioning because I have to lie again which I hate to do.
"Just about marriage preparations" I lied again
I saw her eyes getting glazed for a few seconds and changed back to normal,as if she is in deep thoughts.
"Yeah... about marriage preparations we have to talk to trishna about that " mosha said
"Okay...let's go and check whether she is free"I said and misha followed me .

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