Chapter Juan- SterbUcKs!1!!!1!1

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Tiffenie Butterbottem's POV

As I walkde out of mai skewl one dei, I got da nairious kreveings for a sterbuckz drink. So I walked cross da stereet and up to da stoar. den foer sum resin da stoar wuz crowdad wif a bunch of screming fanz. da sakurity guards said I could nat go in. But den I said " NO ONE GET IN DA WEI OF MEI STERBUCKS" So I poundad him wif a mallet and soaked him in a pewl of nair creams. When I pulled him out he wuz bald and had no eyebrowz. den I kicked him in da ballz and rund into sterbuckz. I oardered mai drank and when I got it i turnad around and sudanlee rund into a boy. da sterbuckz spilled everywear and I almozt died. But den I looked up to see da boys face. I stareded into his bootyful blue orbz. He sei " Mai nem is leuke. and I iz a pengwen." and i sed " I am tiffenie and I am a wizerd" . Den he telld me dat I was da mowst preddyist gurl he ever sawed. Den he sudanlee got down on hiz nee and sed "TIFFENIE WILL YEW MARRY MEI?" Den I repli " YAS BOO" So we skipped down da street and climed on top of a horse. da horse started trottin awei wif us and we rode into tha sunset and da papparatsi was chesin aftur us. It was da best dei of mai lyfe and soon we had our weddang in paris. We decided dat our weddang sowng would be 5gravy's new hit called " French Fries In Mai Toes" bc we were in Paris and dat iz french. When I walked down the ile leuke wuz smailin at mei. we both said our vowels and den tha priest said " You mai naw kiss da bride" And den we kisseded and lifed happuly evur aftur.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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