The Hallways

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Started: 4/19/20

Published: 4/28/20

A/N: Hey Guys! So this is the second chapter, I am feeling like making (Y/N) like Ansliey from season 2 but Democratic. Also a few questions, would you like to see (Y/N) get involved romantically with anyone, would you like to see some ships, how long and detailed would you like to see this? I do understand this is a woman senator but I would be happy to change the pronouns too! If you have any other priorities message me! Thank you, now, enjoy!

(Third Person)

7:15 - same day

*Leo's Office*

"Senator (Y/L/N)?" The President said while walking in. Everyone was now standing up in respect mumbling good morning to him. "I thought we decided not to hire her Leo."

"Yes sir, but I think she would be great working with this administration," Leo rebutted but continued "and with all do respect I think that she would calm us down at times."

"So you're saying that we are not calm"

"Well, Mr.President, look at us." Leo said motioning towards the staff in the room.

"Yeah, Yeah, hire her whatever no one disturb me. I am running this country," When he said that there were 'yes Mr.President' and 'have a good day sir' terms being thrown around as he left.

"So let me get this straight, you weren't going to hire someone because you had a doubt in their abilities and now they will be working with the people that run this country," Josh said.

"Don't you have a budget meeting to go to?" Leo asked done with the back and forth of the conversation.

"He's got a point Leo" CJ said standing up again.

"Well he has a point and I have mine, if you're really worried about (Y/L/N) then I will have him report to Sam and then he can report to me."

"Well, uh..." Sam finally said

"That's okay right Sam?" Leo said, asking him only expecting one answer.

"Yeah, yeah, of course"

"Great, now out" Leo said, starting to type on his computer again. "Margaret!" Leo yelled after the staff was out of the office.

"I already called her office, she will be down here for a briefing at 12:00"



*Hallways to Josh's Office*

Donna was waiting outside of the door for Josh like everyday. When he stepped out she already knew something went wrong.

"How'd the meeting go?" She asked to get the details for her gossip session with Margaret later, not really caring one bit about the problems occurring.

"Leo is hiring Saunders as a new White House communicator"

"I don't see why that's a problem" Donna said, failing to hide her excitement at another woman entering the workspace.

"She is barely a democrat," Josh said while picking up random papers, now arriving in Donna's cubicle. "She doesn't have a bias on either party just stands with more democratic morals," He finished looking at her while leaning against the cubicle wall.

"Well maybe she could be a voice of reason for you and Toby" Donna said sitting down obviously knowing she wouldn't win the argument. Josh just mumbled something that not even he could make out while walking to his office.

*Hallway to Press Briefing Room*

"CJ" Carol, her secretary, yelled while trying to catch up to her.

'Hey Carol," CJ said while jotting down a few notes.

"Here are the briefings you'll need for today's meetings," Carol said while trying to hand them to CJ even though she wasn't paying any attention.

"Yeah, put them on my desk I'll get them later"

"Got it," Carol said while running to make sure she got back in time for the press briefing.


"Hey, Danny," CJ said, still trying to make the main points of today's meeting.

"So I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the Cheese Cake Factory tonight" This got CJ to stop walking and look at him with utter confusion.

"Um, we've gone over this, the goldfish was enough and we cannot date" As soon as she stopped she started walking at a fast pace again.

"Well, I don't see why not"


"You do, now get your seat" CJ said while opening the door to the press room. The press quickly rushed to their places.

"Hello everyone..."


*Hallways to Toby and Sam's Office*

"You got any meetings today?" Sam asked, trying to make conversation, you'd think a grown man working in the White House would have normal communication skills, you would be wrong.

"Yes," Toby said, already done with Sam and his attempt at banter.

"Well then," Sam said, trying to recover from the ego blow. But, then again, he really didn't have an ego. They walked in silence yet with the people around them you wouldn't have been able to know if they were talking or not. This again was the West Wing, where everything was too loud and too fast for any normal soul.

A/N: Hi again! Sorry this was a short one. Thank you for reading it does mean a lot. As you can tell I do not have a set upload schedule because sometimes I feel the urge to write and sometimes I don't really have any motivation. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments and it would be amazing if you voted this story! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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