The part where Asta is an idiot

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Agressive gay speaking. So imma just say that the fanart is not mine. I don't know who it belongs to so... sorry.
Let's just read and enjoy shall we?👌
Third pov

Everyone was shocked. That this puny boy from Hage was able to defeat anyone.

The entire stadium was silent except for Asta's laughing. It seems this wasn't Asta anymore. It was him.

The flames around Asta's body seemed to engulf the entire stadium in darkness. Not even the majic knight Captains knew what to do. The intent to kill came rushing out of the boy infront of them. All they could do was watch.

"Welcome Mortals. For this is the show you came for. My show. My rules. And i say we have some fun.

The dark voice ecoed around them as if he were everywhere at once. Screams where heard from the crowd but nobody knew what was going on.

'What the hell demon!' Asta screamed but it just came out as a muffled voice.
The demon was enjoying himself but the fun was over as fast as it started.

The flames cleared and all was fine.
Except for the few kids missing but they aren't importent to this story.

Captain Yami was the first to jump down to the child. The kid looked creepy even for him. He grined from ear to ear it didn't even look human.

"Hey kid. How'd you do that?"

"What do you mean sir?" Asta asked in a childish tone that didn't fit his apperance. He had red eyes like a cat and horns sticking out of his black hear. He looked like a demon."I was only having a bit of fun. Nobody got hurt...i think."

"Okay kid you get to join the Black Bulls. And that's not a question."

Yami's ki now putting out an imense aura. But it didn't seem to fase the demon boy though.

"Why does he get into a Magic Knights squad?!"

"He should be executed!"

The kids in the crowd were inslting the boy but he was used to it.
It didn't take long for the Bah-ha guy to get rushed out by medics. Yami put Asta over his shoulder and jumped back up to the thrones from which the majic Knights were watching.

Asta's pov

That demon is gonna be the end of me. Like literally is going to kill me. I knew i was already crazy but that demon made me seem insane!
Not like that's bad but he could have warned me.

'You know i can hear you boy.'

"What you can!?"
Asta yelled a bit too loudly.

' I can hear your thoughts dumbass.
And don't talk out loud kid. Just think.'

'So you can hear my thoughts...that's -
wait so you-'

'Yes Asta. I know that you are a "Raging Homosexual" as you say.
And ofcouse another reason why i like you, you've fallen for your brother. Isn't that just sinfull.'

'Oh shut up demon. It's not my fault he's hot.'

'Shouldn't you be watching the battles happening in front of you? You could learn a thing or two.'

'Nah. It's boring. And i'm in a squad anyway. So it doesn't matter. I wonder if i can have some fun while these people are still fighting.'

'Just be carefull. I don't want my host to die right away.'

'Aww thanks for your consern dipshit'

All the people were focused on the exam so it shouldn't be too hard to sneak out. Slowly Asta removed himself from Yami's hold and walked out of the stadium with no problem.

But little did Asta know that someone followed him.

'It might be fun to check out the black market. Maybe i could get some cool weapons.'

'And where would you get the money?'

'You are a literall demon and you're worried about money? Are you even a demon?'

'I'm insulted. I was joking dumbass. Just take what you want. Just make sure they don't see your face.'

'Fine demon.'

Walking into the busy city Asta went to find said black market. He couldn't shake the feeling of beeing followed though. Beeing watched from afar.


Ehem ehem. So Aggressive Gay here...and this is way to short. I'm realy sorry bout' that but i am going to continue this. When did i last update? Like a month or two ago?
Again sorry. My mental health is suffering right know so yeah. So guys, gals and non-binary pals buh-bye for now. PS: I have no idea when i'm gonna update this sooooo

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