I just felt like it.

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  Eijiro tapped out a tune on the edge of the table, leaning back on the hind legs of his chair. Katsuki didn't answer his call but he was staying positive. Fidgety, but positive.
  "Can I get you anything while you wait?" A friendly waitress inquired.
Trusting Katsuki would get there soon, Eijiro ordered two waters and a sampler appetizer.
He looked over at the bar where a couple of tipsy chicks smiled over at him. He bashfully looked away and reflected on his unexpected time with Shoto, grateful for everything besides embarrassing himself.
  He was glad to know he couldn't go too far with liquor, though the thought was also depressing. They've had weak celebratory shots in the past but until they passed their year probation period at their agencies recently, they hadn't tried to go out like this.
  Eijiro faced the door so he could easily wave Katsuki down.. but wondered how long it'd take him to recognize him on his own.
  He subconsciously ran his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time and guzzled down his water as soon as it came.
  The entrance swung open and red eyes scanned the dining hall, landing on Eijiro, mid-wave.
  Eijiro gulped, watching as the smartly dressed Katsuki beelined straight to him with an expression he couldn't quite-
  The sound of him sucking on air through his straw and already empty glass was unexpectedly loud.
  He had only followed Katsuki with his eyes, which meant he was still facing down but looking up from the straw, and now his cheeks were quickly reddening.
A view under a whole new lens for Katsuki.. Katsuki remained standing behind his would-be chair. He wasn't going to take any part of this little get-together until Eijiro answered what he knew he wanted to know.
  Eijiro diverted his attention to the menu - which he had already memorized - coughing on the few drops that managed up through the straw. "I just thought I'd go back to my.. roots for the weekend."
The pun fell flat.
  "..I went ahead and ordered the sampler. It's cool here, they come to your table and slice the meat right off the skewers. And their sauces are pretty hot.."
  Katsuki continued to wait. Eijiro closed the menu and sat back. He could hear Katsuki's judgement in his head for every reasoning he offered and had no intention of giving him any such ammo.
Katsuki pulled his chair back and plopped down, reclined and crossed his arms, one finger tapping to a controlled beat. Tap.. tap.. tap..
  Eijiro by contrast kept an open frame, one arm stretched out to the table and the other hanging over the back of his chair.
His top couple buttons were undone, and his shirt rippled tightly across his chest, a perfect fit accentuated with his strong yet relaxed posture.
Eijiro looked away quickly, swallowing a nervous smile before delivering the leanest all-base-covering Katsuki-approvable explanation he could muster.
"It has nothing to do with Crimson Riot, Red Riot, or just myself - past or present - in any way shape or form.. Other than just my feeling like it. Now, what are you going to order?"


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