Chapter 6~ "I was great."

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Faith's POV

I was preparing lunch after I got home from school an hour ago.
While cutting the spinach, arms wrapped around me. He placed kisses on my neck to my shoulder.

''Well hello to you too

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''Well hello to you too.''
''I'm hungry.''
''I will be finished in half an hour.''
''Okay. I'm gonna shower.''
He pecked my cheek and left. I was finishing the lunch and set the table.

We ate then I had to study for final exams. I sat on a couch and took some very thick book. I have a lot to study but I have time so I think I will be ready on time.

Xavi set next to me with the laptop in his lap. He obviously has a lot of work to do. Sometimes he has bags under his eyes from less sleeping.

I think all off his cuts has healed by now. It's been two weeks since the incident at the gym. He is fine now.

We were into our work for so long that we forget about time.
''It's been three hours. Do you want to eat something?'' I ask him.
''Sure.'' He shruggs.

I got up and went in a kitchen. I took a big chocolate bar with strawberry and filled two glasses with cappuccino.

I brought everything in the living room and put on the table. He put laptop down and pulled me on his lap.
''Are you tired?'' I say kissing his cheek.
''Yeah, a little, but I think I will finish soon. You were reading for school?''
''Yes. I need to prepare for final exams.''
''What college do you want to go?''
''I want art and design.''
''That's nice.''

He kissed me hard and soon we had a makeout session on the couch. I felt hot when he slid his hand under my shirt and I don't know why. He pressed me more into him and his hands came on my butt.

We pulled away gasping for air but that didn't stop him from kissing my neck.
I was shocked at his next words.
''Babygirl I want to take you right now.''
''You can.'' I said.

He looked at me shocked before picking me up and going in the bedroom. He hovered over me and kissed me roughly.


After three rounds, he finally laid next to me and wrapped me in his arms.
''I love you babygirl.'' He said panting.
''I love you too.''
He kissed me softly and nuzzled his head in my neck. I was so tired that my  eyelids closed immediately.

I was shocked to see that I woke up next  morning. I slept so long and didn't hear a sound. Xavi's heavy arm was laying on my belly. So he didn't woke up either.

I removed his hand and tried to get up but failed when I fell on a floor. It hurts me down there. I got up somehow and wobbled to the bathroom.

I took warm long shower that eased a pain. I went in a closet and got dressed in a black sweatpants and white T-shirt. I have no school today which is a good thing.

I looked at Xavi still sleeping and went to make a breakfast. Xavi told me it will hurt and I thought just a little, but I ended up crying.

Xavi came and kissed my cheek. He was rubbing my butt in a comforting way.
''Does it hurt?''
''Yes.'' I say blushing.
''That means I was good.'' He smirked.
''Are you kidding me?'' I say in disbelief.
He turned me so I was facing him and put hands on my hips.
''Say I was good. You liked it.''
I blushed hard at his words.
''I don't want to. It's embarassing.'' I shoved my head in his chest.
''I won't let you go until you say I way good. You liked how—'' I cut him before he said anything more.
''Then say it and I will leave you alone.''
''Okay, you were fine.''
''Fine? Babygirl you were screaming my name. I was great.'' He says smirking.
''I can't believe you.''

I turned around red like tomato and finished doing breakfast. He is unbelievable. How can he easily talk like that? I'm shocked.

I put everything in front of him and sat  at my own chair. He was eating like a hungry lion.
''Slow down. You'll choke.'' I say handing him a water.
''You tired me out. I need to regain energy.'' I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

''What do you want to do now?'' I ask him as we finished.
''We'll go on a date.''

We got ready to go out. Xavi told to dress comfy so I put on my Nike swatpants with matching white shirt.
I slipped in my Converse and took my phone.

He dresses very similar to my outfit which suprised me.
''Oh we are matching now?'' I tease him.

I laughed and we got out. At first I didn't know where are we going, but when I saw a place my face lit up.

''You took me to a theme park.'' I squeal.
''Surprise.'' He kissed me.
''Thank you.''
''Let's go.''

I pulled him to a rollercoster first. It was so funny and then we went to scary house. I held Xavi's hand so hard that it became white. Xavi won a teddy bear on a bottle shooting. He is good with guns and knives.

After around four hours later we went to eat ice cream. He made me happiest today. I love him so much. I haven't ever been to a theme park but I wanted to go so much.

''Did you have fun babygirl?''
''I did. I love you.'' I say pecking him.
''I love you too.'' He says smiling.

After we ate ice cream, we went home. I was so tired that I just went to shower and lay on a bed. I took Xavier's shirt for sleeping and laid on a bed.

Today has been amazing. I had so much fun like I haven't had since I was born. I was on a bed waiting for Xavi to come. He came out in just a boxers and laid next to me. He put an arm around me.

''Does it hurt you still? He say lowering his hand where it shouldn't be. I slapped his hand away narrowing my eyes.
''I'm fine. You don't need to check.''
He smirked and put his hand on my butt.
''You can't escape next time.'' He says and kissed my cheek. I fell asleep from tiredness immediately.

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