The Dissident to the Powers that be

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Alarms rang throughout the hangar. Her gasps for air echoed from within her helmet but she could not remove it. The mechanisms seem to have locked up on her cuffs which pinned her arms in place at the front console. The cockpit was rather weirdly configured as it did not seem to have a seat but rather the pilot was restrained at several points and the suit had a conical attachment not too different from a front-offset dress that secured to the cockpit floor. The internal lining will then be filled with a restraining gel which would keep the pilot's legs in place but absorb any g-forces that they might experience.

However, this situation seems to be causing problems with this kind of setup and she was starting to panic at the unresponsiveness of the cockpit systems.

"Hang in there, Del!" Digg yelled from outside the hatch. "We'll get you out!"

Beside the hatch, a green-haired teen not even older than 15 typed away at the keyboard, attempting to coerce the operating system into opening it. Although it was proving to be a very hefty challenge as the code was designed to constantly evolve which meant that it was being resistant to her system's break in.

"We may need to shut the machine down and manually open the hatch." recommended one of the mechanics.

"Her life support's going to kill her, you idiot!" Digg scowled at the retreating mechanic as he almost helplessly watched a kid try to break into a nearly impenetrable system. Suddenly, as if by some miracle, the hatched flew open, knocking Digg back in surprise. The pilot within though hung motionless from her harnesses with one arm twisted in an awkward angle.

Cautiously, Digg approached her limp form and slowly slid the faceplate off; the green, bug-like eyes now lifeless-looking without the lights illuminating them. He slowly lifted the encased head of the unfortunate pilot to reveal Madelle's horrified face, asphyxiated from the life support failing. In a fit of frustration, Digg slammed a fist into the flooring, doing this twice before the other mechanics held him down.

The young girl sat slumped in the corner, eyes gazing at the floor as her body shuddered in guilt. A hand slowly ran through her hair and enveloped an arm around her shoulders. Paccadelia held her warmly, lovingly.

"Don't be afraid," she softly said as she looked around at the different expressions around her. Some of anger and frustration. Others, of sadness, grief, and loss. Paccadelia gently pecked a kiss on the girl's forehead and stood. "I was responsible for this. I could have refused her help but yet I was not strong enough to say no."

Paccadelia found herself clenching her hand into a fist as she listened to the whispers but felt both longing and determination once more after hearing the words from Madelle's thoughts. "There is no one to blame. This will all work out."

A deep breath and Paccadelia's resolve was whole once more.

"None had any faults in this." The fire in her eyes were ablaze once more and it was time to rally. "Progress means we give ourselves to honor those before us and lay the work for those after us. Let not our friend's passing deter our effort to cleanse this world of the corrupt!"

The resolve in each man and woman began to rebuild itself. Their strength was growing again and they each found the reason once more. With Paccadelia's words, they roared. "Let not those who sacrificed themselves be for naught, let the evil tremble before our feet and we shall be the paragons to smite their wickedness!!"

With those powerful words, the girl, Monica, rose to her feet, ready to do her part and fight once more. Afterall, this is just the beginning.

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