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As I wake up, I'm awarded a beautiful sight of delicate snowflakes fluttering in the air.

But that doesn't seem quite right. Here in Texas, it's next to almost next to never snowing. That's when it hits me, I'm not in Texas any more, I'm in Pennsylvania. 1,621 miles away from home. 1,621 miles away from my friends, dad, old school, basically everything.

It wasn't fair. I had to pack my bags, and leave every thing I've ever known to come to my mother's house, which we rarely talked. Anyways, my name is Mackenzie Barnes, and I am 15 years old. I have blue eyes and hazel colored hair. My dad says I get his blue eyes and my mother's hair.

So where should I start? Let's talk about the day I was taken out of school. It was just like any other day really. Well sort of.


"Ugh, time to go to school."

To me, and many of the other kids who get bullied by the popular kids, school is known as a hunting ground for us, and it goes on for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. There are five popular girls: Katy, Samantha, Jessica, Taylor, and Daniella. And then there's the football stars. They're the ones that like to help pick on us, along with the popular girls. Except for one of the football players. He was different. Today I was getting pushed into a locker by Daniella and Taylor and he told them to back off. His name was Steven. He said he didn't understand why they always picked on us.

Butterflies flew in my stomach. I wasn't the type of girl that fell for the football stars but Steven was different. He actually cared about us.

" He's never gonna like you if that's what your thinking, Mackenzie", said Taylor as both she and Daniella walked away snickering.

That's it I'm done. I've had enough.

" Hey Taylor!"

"Did you hear something?", Taylor says.

"You heard me idiot!!!", I say defiantly.

"What did you call me?", she says clenching her fists.

"Idiot!" Listen I'M TIRED of YOU and your little group of followers always bullying us because y'all think y'all are"

A crowd of people had assembled and I started to lose my confidence. I had never had this much attention at school. I lost hope. I new I would be the laughing stock.

"See sweetie?", Taylor remarks. "You are a little helpless, unwanted nobody and no one cares about you or what you have to say!"

"Why are y'all so mean to us? What did we ever do to you?" I ask in a shaky voice, barely audible. That's it. I want to die.

RING, RING, RING, the bell signifies it's time to go home. For the popular kids, it's time to go home to a palace where they get treated like kings and queens driving fast cars, living life with out knowing how incredibly lucky they are. For the rest us, we go to our homes. Completely different. No, we are not treated like kings and queens at our house, we don't have fast cars, and we don't have as much money as them. But my father always told me, " You are a king or a queen even if you don't have money, you have a house to call your own, and you have food to eat every night, that should be enough to call yourself a king or queen."

I run to my locker while hiding my head in my books. I grab my backpack and run for the door. My dad is there already waiting for me in his red pick-up truck. I jump in and start crying. Literally crying right there and then. Feeling like the world is resting on my shoulders.

"What's the matter Mack?"my father asks. And yes, Mack is short for Mackenzie.

"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" , I say trying to conduct myself.

"Are you sure?", my dad says worried.

"Yes Dad, I'm sure."

The fifteen minute drive home feels like eternity. But when we arrive my cat, Mustard is there waiting for me on the porch. Mustard has an orange-yellowish coat and a white belly. I found him under the shed along with all the other kittens and the mother cat. But we kept Mustard and gave the rest of the litter, and the mother, to the neighbors.

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