Sometimes there are days where Clay stares out the widow into the blue skies above. Sometimes he wonders all the things he could do in his apartment. There are other times he wonders where he could travel. Sometimes he wonders what life would be if he weren't a YouTuber and in those moments, his mind drifts to George.
George, a YouTuber like Clay, is easily annoyable and screams when surprised. He laughs at Clay's jokes and other times he slaps his keyboard and tells Dream to stop making fun of him.
There are times where neither Clay nor George speak to each other and when they do, they have too many ideas for a new video and have to write a schedule to keep track of who wants what.
Sometimes George mutters words under his breath Dream asks him to repeat, but gets a nervous laugh or a 'Wouldn't you like me to repeat that' instead.
Sometimes the two call on the phone for hours, replaying events in their heads and expressing their emotions, thoughts, and feelings for hours on end. To Clay, it's a way to get out his worry and frustration. To George, it's a way to discuss his feelings with someone other than himself.
Other times Clay wonders if he'll be able to tell George how he really feels. He doesn't feel upset about anything, but rather anxious of being rejected. He's worried that George won't talk to him ever again and drop everything the two have been working on to avoid Dream at all costs.
Clay wonders if George could even do that.
Sitting on his bed and scrolling through Twitter, Dream stumbles upon an old post declaring him and George getting married in 2021. Down later, there is another post cancelling the wedding and for a moment, Clay feels a pang in his chest.
It's a pang of regret because for a moment, he wanted it to happen. He wonders if it could still happen, but Dream doesn't know if his feelings could be returned.
Could they? It was a possibility, but.... he was still worried. He couldn't shake this awful feeling of horror and shame with George turning away and not having those feelings back.
Get over yourself, Clay. Stand up and click the call button, his mind screamed. Don't be a child and just pick up the phone!
For some reason, Clay's finger couldn't move down to click George's name. His finger was stuck, seemingly held in place by his own fears, an invisible string attached holding his finger hostage. Clay tried again to click call, but still he couldn't move.
Click the damn button, Clay.
Dream heard a faint click as George picked up the line. "Hello?"
Clay couldn't speak.
"Dream, you there?"
"Sometimes..." Clay began with a shaky voice, "I want to talk to you longer. Sometimes I want to hold you closer to me and really feel what it would be like to be more than friends.
"Sometimes I want to meet you at the airport, running up to you with a grin on my face as I hug you tightly close to me and gently kiss you on the lips because, George, I..." Clay trailed off.
"Because what, Clay?" George's voice was hushed.
"Because, George, I... I love you."
To Clay's surprise, George had a response for him. Dream immediately thought it was the words of a rejection, an utter disappointment to his ears, but instead, George simply stated back with a smile gracing his lips on the other side:
"I love you, too, Clay."
[577 words]

Dreamnotfound One Shots
FanficI decided to take part on this! Here are one-shots about Georgenotfound and Dream, two amazing youTubers and people! Disclaimer: Both Dream and George explained they are alright with fanfiction. Upon request, I will remove these stories. With that...