His past?

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When I opened my eyes I could only see a white light, a light so bright it burnt my eyes. But since I'm a demon I could handle it. I realised I was lying down so I got up. I was standing on a white floor, but it wasn't a floor. It looked like it was made from the same light as the ceiling and the walls around me, if there even are any.

Besides the light I could see doors, lots of them! They reached as far as my eyes could see. These must be Bill's memories! It was a lot different from the other mindscapes I've been to, normally they look like a place the person likes to be at, Bill's mindscape is just a white void. But the main difference is the fact that Bill's mindscape is in full colour. I had never seen that before. 

I started walking past the doors, wondering how I was ever going to find Bill in this maze of doors. The only solution I could think off was opening different doors. I walked up to one of the first doors I came across, it looked very old and decayed but also boring, the wood was splintering and the door had a weird rotting smell.

I opened it and I walked inside, there I found Bill, but he looked weird. He was in his triangle form and he was in 2D. The world around him also looked very strange, it was so flat! 

I walked up to Bill wondering how he would react, but he didn't notice me. I walked closer and streched my hand out to touch him, but my hand went right through him. "Of course, this is a memory." I said outloud for no good reason. But it is still weird, in Stan's mind I could interact with the memories, here it is like I'm not even there.

I then started observing him more closely, he looked so bored. It was like he was a completely different demon! A bored plain looking and quiet one.

I figured there was nothing else for me to see there, so I walked out through the same door I came in.

"Well that was useless and boring" I said to myself. I was wondering how long ago Bill lived in that weird place, and what made him change to the crazy person he is now.

I walked up to a different door, a little further into the maze of doors. This door looked like It went through hell, It was burnt all over and it was a fiery red. I have to admit that I was a little scared to open this door. I opened the door a tiny bit and immediately I heard one of the most awful sounds I had ever heard. "Raaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh" A fireball came hurdeling towards my face. I screamed and I quickly closed the door.

"What was THAT!"

I opened the door like one inch and it tries to kill me, great. I had to calm down a bit before I remembered that it was just a memory, and that it couldn't hurt me. I gathered up some courage and I pushed the door right open.

What I saw over there was almost indescribable, it was the flat place from the previous door, and it was on fire! Everything was ablaze, flat shapes (I guess other demons) were running around, trying to put out the fire on them, but they were unable to do so. But the weird thing about these flames were that they were blue. I walked further into this memory, going through the fire that couldn't hurt me.

After a minute of walking I saw something so horrible, that I didn't want to believe it. There was Bill, lighting the fire, laughing maniacally. He was still flat and a triangle, but he existed in two parts, with lots of teeth in the middle. With these teeth he was eating the flat inhabitants of this world. I knew Bill had a terrible past, but I didn't know he was this insane. I mean, what could have possibly driven him do burn down what looks like an entire dimension?!

I wanted to get out of there, immediately! So I flew as fast as I could, trying to ignore the screams, hoping that I would reach the exit soon. As the door came into my sight I was relieved, but I didn't stop flying until I got through the door and closed it.

I was panting from flying this fast, "Why would Bill do this?" I sank down to the ground, why? After sitting there for five minutes I got up and started walking towards the next door. I figured I would confront Bill with this new information when he was saved and well.

The next door was a baby blue with rain drops on it, but that was the least interesting thing about this door. It had heavy chains wrapped all around it, like someone was keeping something locked in there. There was also a wooden sign on the door that read KEEP OUT! in bold letters, the letters looked like they were written with blood. 

"I guess Bill really doesn't want anyone to find out what's in there, but I have to check. With these big chains, it could also be very possible for Pyronica to have the real Bill hidden in here. So I burnt the chains off and I stepped inside.

It looked like I didn't even leave the mindscape, I just stepped into another big white void. All I could see was another Bill, still in his triangle form, floating around. I walked closer to him and as I got closer I couldn't believe my eyes, Bill was crying. I never saw him cry before, so this was quite a big shock. I felt really bad for him, even though I didn't know what he was crying about.

It looked really weird to see a one-eyed creature cry. I got really close so I could hear wat he was saying, or mumbling. All I could hear was: "Sniff......mom     dad" He was crying about his parents, what happened to them? Bill never said he had parents. I thought demons just formed out of nowhere, or that they were created like me. I really wanted to console Bill, but I couldn't since he couldn't see me.

I figured there was no information left for me to gather here so I left. I really, REALLY felt bad for Bill, but I couldn't linger at every single door like this, then it would take me ages to find Bill. 

So I started to check the doors rapid fire style. Just looking at each one for a second. Each door after this one was just more crazy and twisted than the one that came before. This went on for a couple of hours (I'm so sorry for making you wait this long Mabel) until I got to a set of doors that looked extremely similar. I opened them and I saw me and Mabel, getting out of a bus, looking twelve. These must be Bill's memories from our first summer at Gravity Falls. It was really weird seing myself from someone elses perspective. 

I skipped through most of these doors, since I already know what happens in them. I lingered for a bit at the memory of the sock opera, shivering and remembering the pain I felt back then when it wasn't funny yet. I wondered why I even fell in love with him after he did this to me, but I guess it was just true love or something.

When I got to the end of the Gravity Falls section the doors just stopped. This couldn't be right, Bill has lots of memories with me after I got him back from the statue. Where did those go? I flew into the void after the last door to see if I could find something worthwhile. After ten minutes of flying I saw something in the distance. It was another door! I stopped in front of it and I took a good look at it. It was a weird looking door, it looked like it was.... Glitching? I didn't have another choice except opening the door, so I went in.

I stepped into another white void, and in the middle of it sat Bill in his human form. I could sense it immediately,

This was the real Bill.


Hello, I'm back! This chapter was actually planned out to be way longer so I cut it into two parts. I've been in quarantine for over two months now and I'm bored as fuck. But for some reason I didn't think about updating this. So sorry about that.

Keep reading

Stay strong


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