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LILY SAT WITH JO, MEG, AND BETH AS AMY sat with Marmee. Both had tears in their eyes. They had calmed down but Lily was still angry. You couldn't blame her. 3 years of work had been wasted.

"I'm sorry Lily." Amy spoke, breaking the silence. Lily didn't respond she just listened to the sound of Meg's heartbeat as she tuned out Amy. "Amy." Marmee said, wanting her to emphasize her apology. "It's just that you only care about your garden and it's not like I could hurt you by ripping up one of your dresses and I really wanted to hurt you." Amy rushed out.

Marmee let go of Amy as the three other sisters walked back so the two could have a bit of space, "Don't the sun go down on your anger. Forgive her. Help each other, and you will began again tomorrow." Marmee spoke rubbing the girls shoulder with a small pity smile.

Lily didn't want to hear it though, "She does not deserve my forgiveness! I worked on my garden for 3 years. 3 years. I will hate her until the day I die." She spoke standing up and running up to her room.

Lily slammed her door shut and cried into her pillow for the rest of the night. She was angry, very angry. She loved Amy, they were family, but her garden meant everything to her.


LILY AWOKE WITH HER FACE DRIED FROM THE wet tears. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were red as well. She had cried herself to sleep the pass night. She looked over and Meg's bed was still the same as it was last night. 'She must have slept with Jo last night.' Lily thought as she made her own bed.

She walked down the stairs and saw Amy was yet down there so Lily was able to take her normal seat. She started to eat her small breakfast, ignoring her other sisters. She wasn't angry with them, she just needed a bit of space.

She heard foot steps coming down the stairs and in came Amy with a hopeful look on her face as she sat down next to Lily. Lily forcefully stood up and moved to where her father would normally sit and continued to eat her breakfast.

Laurie rushed in a big smile on his face unaware of the adventures that happened the night before. "Good morning ladies! It's a brisk and beautiful day and I think the last day for the river! Get your skates on!" He said as he walked around the table.

Lily's bad mood in immediately dropped as soon as Laurie came in. "One moment. Let me get my skates!" Lily said excitedly as she rushed over and grabbed her skates. She ran out the door with Laurie a huge smile on her face.

"Is she going to be like this forever?" Amy asked looking at her family. "It was a hard loss for her." Beth spoke up. "Is there anything I can do?" Amy begged. "Go after her. Don't say anything till Lily is good natured with Laurie, then take a quiet minute and just kiss her, or do some kind thing and i'm sure she'll be friends again." Meg said a small smile on her face.

Amy jumped up and grabbed her skates. She ran out the door to where Lily and Laurie were. Lily has finished tying her skates on and followed after Laurie. "Don't go in the middle. It isn't safe." He said and Lily nodded grabbing Laurie's hand as the two skated along.

Amy quickly slipped on her shoes as she yelled to Lily who knew she was there but just ignored her. She started to skate in the middle not catching Laurie's 'It wasn't safe.' memo as she was to busy yelling to Lily.

Lily and Laurie laughed as the two held hands and twirled then fell. Lily heard a splash and then a scream. Her heart sunk as she knew those screams came from her little sister. She quickly got up and skated over to Amy who was begging and crying to Lily to help her.

She went to go up to the spot where she was but Laurie pulled her back, "You'll break the ice even more, get a branch." He said not moving his ices from Amy. Lilt obeyed and rushed to get a big stick.

She skated back over and gave it to Laurie as he pulled her out. Amy cried and so did Lily as they held each other. The other March's heard all the noise and rushed out to see their two daughters crying, one wet and a scared look on Laurie's face.


AFTER THE WHOLE ICE BREAKING INCIDENT LILY felt horrible. If she would have not been so stubborn Amy would be alright. Currently Lily sat next to Amy's bed, who was currently passed out from the cold and shock.

Marmee has come in and talked to her, telling her it wasn't her fault, when it truly was. Lily's eyes were wet for what felt like the 7th time that week as she fiddled with her fingers. She heard a small voice come from in front of her and she looked up seeing her sister Amy awake.

Lily rushed forward and sat next to her, tears falling as she held her hand, "Oh Amy, i'm so so sorry! This is all my fault. If I would have not been so stubborn and hateful you would be alright." She said as Amy just shook her head. "It's okay Lils. I forgive you. And i'm sorry to, for ruining your garden." She said as Lily laughed. "That's the least of my worries now." She said as Amy patted the spot next to her, "Sit." She commanded.

Lily nodded and pulled up the blanket to lay down next to her sister. Though she was a older by 2 years, Amy still acted older at times. Lily laid her head on her chest as Amy put her fingers through her hair.

Lily hummed a song she had learned as the two began to fall asleep, laying in each other's arms. The rest of the March family and Laurie took a peak in and saw the two asleep and cuddling and smiled, "I knew they would make up." Meg spoke up, "Come on, we all knew Lily wouldn't be angry forever. She loves Amy." Jo pointed out as they all nodded. Laurie smiled at the girls. Particularly one of those girls, he had a wonderful time out on the rink. Before the incident of course.


the end to the beginning!

yes i use the same gifs over and over again 😳

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yes i use the same gifs over
and over again 😳

but lily and amy make
me sOFT.🥺🥺

we got some more #larch
content up in hereeee.

larch meaning laurence
+ march.

i couldn't do their first
names as both started
with an L. 😗✌️

anyways i was thinking
about starting a lady bird book.
it wouldn't be kyle x oc

it would be a lady bird
x female oc.
so let me know, if you
would like that!

also i wanted to thank
you all so so much
for all the love and support
i've gotten from this book!
thank you !! <3

all feedback is welcome!!


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