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The screen shows a channel from Gotham news. Some catchy theme plays as a woman in red was standing outside a small apartment complex downtown, it was night as light rain made way to the group of people looking all over the scene, there was yellow police tape stretched out as broken glass was on the sidewalk, a body landed near the glass, the man was dead as there was a batarang deeply impaled behind the back of the man's skull.

"I am Vicky Vale reporting live as we appear to see there was a possible home invasion outside the apartment complex downtown here in Gotham city at night. We report there were not only one body here on the ground far behind me dead but more inside." She said through her microphone as she walked her way near a policeman.
"Officer is it true that this was the Batman who did all of this?" She asked clearly as she pointed her microphone towards the cop.

"Oh Vale not you here- look, you already know it's him, the freak killed again like he did a few years ago. Please step outside" the cop said as two paramedics radio their way through the walkthrough of the entrance.
"We're gonna need seven body bags, the lady wasn't hurt, just the men." One paramedic said as he was going to his vehicle.

"Total of eight thugs died from the Batman then, huh?" She asked all cocky to the cop as he took a deep sigh.

The scene shows a few paramedics with their gloves on as they were shocked on what they have witnessed. There was a lot of blood. One thug had his head smashed in through the small plasma tv as both of his arms were broken, dislocated from their sockets. Two more thugs were in the small kitchen as their faces were brutally pulverized, beaten hard, completely dead. Another thug had his legs both broken as he was facing down on the ground where his face is no longer recognizable. Three more thugs had their necks snapped as one of their eyes were poked out. The seventh thug has a gun shell case right in his left socket as his chest had deep carvings of a knife like weapon, stabbed multiple times in the chest. As the eight thug was the one dead on the ground with the batarang deeply impaled his head.

"It seems like our a Dark Knight enjoys the way he brutalize these criminals, serial killers, rapists, Any kind of evil. If we're lucky, more of them will be perished from the innocents yet do we think this is the right call? For him to be the executioner?" Vicky Vale asked as she looked at the camera man right as she decided to point her microphone to one citizen of Gotham.

"Hell Yeah I support him! The man is killing these mother *bleep* and I don't see the problem."
One elder gentleman has said.

"This isn't the Batman I remembered, whatever happened to that Robin?"
One elder woman had questioned.

"A freak like him should end up in Arkham, who does he think he is? God?"
One young woman asked in concern.

"Seems like he don't give a *bleep* so let him, he helps the police? I feel safer walking home at night now." One young man said.

*The Tv screen shuts off*

A scene shows a dark alley way as a woman was running away from four large men, they were rugged looking, they didn't care, they were looking for someone to rob off.
The woman was young as her long hair felt the tears off of her face as she ran out of breath. Up until they ran in a dead end. One man pushed her up against the hard brick wall as another man intimidated her as he kicked a trash can hard with his foot, smirking as he pulled out a small pocket knight.
The other two were behind the rest as they kept their eyes on the girl.

The thug pressed her up the brick wall as he sniffed her.
"You can give me your money... maybe we can have fun babe." He said softly letting off an evil grin.
The woman kicked his shin hard with her foot as she was then slapped by him.

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