Ep 2: The Banquet and the Assassin

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There came a knock at the door as the servants had finished putting on the final touches of her outfit. Part of hair pulled into a bun with a small gold crown holding it in place, the rest of hair was left loose draped over her shoulders. Her make up and robes were made up of some golds and blues. A dark blue flower design lined the ends of her robes. She thanks them and they bow and turn about to take their leave. As they open the door, they bow as Madam Zhang and Ji-Ruqian enter and take their leave. Li Jing was surprised to see Ji-Ruqian with her and that she was dressed up. She bows in greeting.

''Teacher! What brings you here and why are dressed up?''

''I'll be attending tonight's royal banquet and I thought I'd escort you there.''

''Truly'', Li questions and Ji-Ruqian nods. She had always been absent from the imperial banquet, prefering solitude than the nonsense that would occur. Annoying bickering among dieties and court officials. Li Jing had honestly wished she could've join her but sitting through debates came with the territory of being crown princess. They had began their walk to the carrier station manned by servants.

''What had made you change your mind?''

''You could thank your mother. She had specifically asked for my presence for tonight's banquet.''

The statement worried her. What could she want? What was she planning? The empress was a conieving woman and should never be crossed. You'd rather be dead than face any of her punishments. Li could attest to that. She shudders slightly. She does her best to shut out another seeping memory. She's startled by a hand on her shoulder. It belonged to Ji-Ruqian. She gives her a firm, reassuring smile. 

''No need to worry. As a first court diety, I'll be able to handle whatever her majesty  may throw my way.''

She reluctantly releases the breath she was holding. Li smiles back at her in kind. They finally reach the carrier station and  Madam Zhang help her step in. Ji-Ruqian gives her one last smile before the curtain closes. Then the princess was off, carried by servants. Li Jing straightens her shoulders, taking in a deep breath. It'll be fine..it'll be fine..She repeats to herself. She releases it, relaxing a little. Though she remains in proper posture, clasping her hands together. She stares ahead at the curtain in front of her. Her eyes following the shadows dancing across it as they moved pass lanterns that lighted the pathway. 

Her mind begins to wander back to what could be her majesty's agenda behind inviting Ji-Ruqian which she quickly brushes the thought away. She needed to focus on how she will act for the banquet. Playing out possible scenarios in her head and see what best be done accordingly. She sometimes like to daydream about the best things to happen. She makes this increible speech that wows everyone. Then they make her empress on the spot with her majesty being okay with it due to being so moved by her words. It was a completely silly, an utterly ridiculous thought. Yes. She knew that. But it was nice to dwell on the delusion from time to time.  

Becoming empress would not be an easy feet. Nothing like her delusion. But she was ready for it. She had to be. For her. Then her mind drifts once again  to the dream.  Her heart becomes heavy with worry for her dear one. It doesn't anything mean anything. It can't mean anything. It was just a nightmare. Though her heart told her other wise. Getting ready for the banquet didn't give her the chance to talk with Ji-Ruqian in private. Then that boy came into mind.   

He was a mirror image to Shen yue. Even sharing the same grumpy face. Li chuckles to herself. He must have been the son she had talked about having in the living world.  When Li was little she was curious about the living world, inquring Shen yue and  Ji-Ruqian about their past lives . It lead to Ji-Ruqian telling her some stories about her life  when she was alive. They were fun little stories of trivial matter, mostly about her childhood.  Shen yue was more hesitant to talk about her past. Little Li had to even beg her on couple occasions to get something out of her. That's when she found out she had a son.  Though Shen never went into the specifics. She had died protecting him so she never got the chance to spend time with him. It was reasonable to assume that was the reason she barely talked about her past life but Li felt there was more to it. Shen hardly talked about the boy's father. A look of scorn left in her eyes as she reminisced.  It prompted Li not to question her further about it.

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