Chapter 11: Marissa

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My alarm went off bright and early at 5am. I had a pretty good weekend. Steven was texting and calling me more than usual. I could tell he definitely felt threatened by Marshall. I did make sure to fuss at Melissa for telling Eddie. She apologized and swore she wouldn't do it again. So hopefully those issues are over. I want Steven to trust me though. So I planned to honor my no contact promise with Marshall. I also figured that since he told me to fuck off I shouldn't have to worry about him either. All should be going back to normal in my life and I made Melissa promise we would never pass the threshold of that club ever again.

I was at work. It was just after lunch and my class was in art class also known as my break. Then there was a knock on my classroom door, which never happened. I went to it and there was a delivery man.

"Marissa Weddington?" he asked me over his glasses.

"Um, yeah. Who's asking?" I replied cautiously. This never happened to me. 

"Sign here." the man said as if he didn't hear what I asked him. I glanced over the paper and saw it was from a flower shop. I figured Steven had sent me some flowers and I got some butterflies in my stomach.

I signed the paper and handed the clipboard back to the man. But I didn't see any flowers so I was a little confused.

"Hey." I called after the short man who turned around almost instantly. "Where's the delivery?"

"Oh, its coming." he said and walked away. Well, what the hell could that mean? Just then the elevator around the corner from the classroom dinged. 4 men all in the same uniform as the one with the clipboard rounded the corner each with buckets of tulips in every color you have ever seen. My mouth dropped open at the sight.

"Weddington?" one of the men asked me. I nodded as I was unable to form words.

They entered my classroom and began setting up all the flowers in vases. There were at least a dozen if not more and each vase had to have a dozen tulips in them each. I instantly knew this wasn't the work of Steven, he was this over the top. I went over to the phone mounted on the wall by the doorway and called the teacher across the hallway to pick up my students. They had art right after my class so I asked her if she could keep them over there until I came to get them.

"10 extra minutes tops I hope." I said. Thankfully she agreed.

"Thanks." I said and hung up. All the men exited my room. I went to stick my head out to see if there was anything else coming I should know about when Marshall came around the corner holding one last dozen of tulips in an amazing looking gray tux.

"These are for you." he said handing me the flowers. The butterflies I had were gone now.

"Thanks." I said. I went to turn away because I was trying to be faithful to my boyfriend. Marshall grabbed my hand and his touch made chills run up my spine. Between the gesture, the suit he was wearing and the cologne I smelled he could have taken me right there. But I did my best to keep my cool.

"What in the hell are you doing Marshall?!" I asked him in a loud whisper. I pulled him into my classroom and shut the door. I heard my students coming down the hall and didn't want them to see what I was dealing with.

"I'm trying to show you I want you back." he said. It was almost as if he was forgetting he had a whole ass girlfriend.

"You have a girlfriend remember?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't feel about her like I do about you, Marissa. I never did."

"We cant do this!" I shouted. Then regretted it, remembering where I was.

"You can't start up a whole new relationship with me when you're still in one!" I went to pull away from his grip, which I forgot he still had on me but he pulled me back into him. I bumped square into his firm chest. Which only looked hotter in this tux.

"I'll dump her Marissa. I just want you. This past year I've realized no one compares to you. I know we have been through a lot of shit, but I'd rather go through all the heartbreak, lies, tears... all of it, again just to be with you!" 

I just shook my head. I didn't mean to, but I kind of shoved him back away from me. He stood there kind of stunned. I desperately wished he wasn't here right now so I could still say I was keeping my promise to Steven.

"I told Steven I wouldn't talk to you anymore." I said quietly. He was looking at the floor, but his eyes shot up to meet mine when I said that.

"Why?" he asked, "You don't want to see me anymore?" I wanted to say yes, or even shake my head. He made my life so much more complicated. But I couldn't say anything, not even move my head. He approached me and asked me again.

"Marissa, do you not want to see me anymore?" His cologne was making me weak. I was trying to focus on getting him out of here.

"Marshall I need you to go. I need to get my students from next door."

"I'm not leaving 'til you answer me." he said. I knew he meant business too, stubborn asshole.

"How about meet me tonight? I'll answer you then. I need you to go." Then there was a knock on the door.

"Fine. Where?" he asked, taking a couple steps back.

Shit. I didn't think this far ahead. "Same place as before?" I asked him. He stroked his beard for a second. "Alright. I can do that." He turned and walked out of the door, nearly bumping face first into the teacher who had my class. She gave me a dirty look as he exited the room.

"They were well behaved." she said. As they were all filing back in I approached her to thank her when she said, "Don't ask me to do that again." and left. 

All the kids were smelling the flowers and oohing and ahhing over them. I wondered how on earth I was going to get them all home. But that was a problem for another time.

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