The start of something new

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Today was the day that Daniel asked Ashley for the name of her book, she responded with the bible, and then Daniel had so many questions. "I didn't think anyone read that for fun, only in like churches and stuff." Daniel said. "I don't read it for fun, I read it to connect with God and his word." Ashley responded. "Why?" Daniel Said. "I read the bible because it brings me happiness and joy." Daniel paused from his work and focused on his interesting conversation. "Give me an example of Joy in that giant book about the past." "John 15:11-12, 'I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete, this is my commandment; love one another as I love you'." Ashley responds to Daniel. "And why does that bring you joy?" Daniel asked. "It brings me joy because he puts his joy in me so i can be happy and love people as he loves me." Ashley said leaving Daniel a bit shaken. "You okay?" asks Ashley. "Um yeah that was just interesting, what is your favorite quote in there?" "A quote in the bible is called a verse, and my favorite verse is 1 John 4:19" Ashley said. Daniel responded. "What does that one say?" "It says we love because he first loved us." Daniel and Ashley sat talking about verses from the bible for so long that they were late for class. So they headed off to class.

Later that day Daniel kept asking about the bible and some of her favorite stories in it, while working on work every once in a while. While they were texting Ashley brought up church to Daniel, asking if he'd want to go with her some time. He obviously said no because he didn't want to be seen with Ashley at church, but he didn't tell Ashley that so he made an excuse saying he was busy with some other thing. Ashley was sad but she understood. She responded saying that she understood. 

The next day they were working on History, and Daniel was learning bout religion and he had to research a specific Religion. Daniel got Christianity, and of course he was happy so then Ashley could help him. "Ashley I need help with my history project, it is about Christianity, do you think you could help?" "Yes I can help but I am not doing the whole thing for you." "Deal." Daniel responded. That day and the next few they worked on Daniel's history project until it was ready. Before they left their tutoring session on Friday Ashley asked if Daniel wanted to come to church with her, and this time he said yes. Ashley was very happy and that night they texted exactly what they have been every night, Stories and verses about the bible until they had to go to sleep.

On Sunday they met at Ashley's church; Grace Church. Daniel thought it was a very nice church so he dressed up a little bit so he wore some Khaki's and a nicer shirt. Ashley thought he looked nice. Ashley wore a jean skirt and a floral shirt with some white vans, Daniel thought she looked nice. They went in and sat down and started talking before the service started. "So, How does this stuff go?" Daniel asked. "Well I can tell you are nervous so first of all calm down, second we do worship first, it is like singing songs, you can just sway if you would like, and third then we sit and listen to a message, then we are done." "That isn't too bad, and i'll calm down, thank you." "No problem Daniel, also I have youth group at night, with people our age, You get split up by grade and gender, and I know some of the 10th Grade guys so ill introduce you to them if you do come." Ashley said. "I guess i'll have to think about it." Daniel responded then Worship started and Ashley and Daniel stood up and Ashley started singing. Daniel thought it was beautiful, but something that Ashley didn't know was that Daniel was musical, that is the only class that Daniel isn't failing, but he wouldn't admit that just yet. Then a song that kind of sounded familiar started playing so he started to sing along, then he looked at Ashley and saw her eyes closed with one hand in the air, he was a little confused but he kind of let it go.

After they got done worshiping the message was about finding strength in the Lord and the word. Daniel took notes on the little packet that they handed out and Ashley took notes both in her Journal and her bible. Daniel wanted to know more about all this so her turned to Ashley and whispered and said "I'll come tonight." With a smile, and of course Ashley was happy so she smiled as well. After the message was over they said their goodbyes and went home, Ashley texted Daniel the information about her youth group and said see ya later.

once Daniel got to youth group his life was changed even more.

A/N: I know that was long but tell me what you think, and comment if you want to see anything in here, again thank you for reading and I hope you have a blessed day! 

Made For More - A Christian Story (Not completely finished but taking a break)Where stories live. Discover now