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Jisung rubbed his eyes as he started to wake up. He sat up in his uncomfortable, cramped airplane seat and looked out the window as the plane started its landing.

"Good morning, Jisungie."

Jisung turned his head around to his eldest band mate, Bang Chan. A bright smile on his face. He was zipping up his bag of things that he brought into the airplane to entertain the duo sitting next to each other as long as possible. The fourteen hour flight wasn't nearly the longest flight that had ever taken, but it definitely wasn't the shortest.

"Morning, hyung." Jisung greeted back, his morning voice seeping in. He was clearly still tired, stuck on jet lag, as it probably would be for the next couple of days.

They were coming home from a long, four month, tour around the United States. They fit in as many states as they could, but unfortunately, couldn't please every fan.

"Chinmae Hyung said to tell you that as soon as we land we'll get some airport food. We have some time to spare before heading back to the dorms." Chan said. Chinmae was their manager. He was a tall man, towering over the rap trio, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung. He was very caring and always tried his best to look after the boys.

"Okay." Jisung yawned. "But I have to pee."

Chan chuckled. "You have time to pee, Jisungie."


The plane landed and Chan and Jisung tried their best to slip out of their seats without running into people as best as possible. They met with Changbin and Chinmae in the seating area of the airport.

Jisung stretched his arms out to the side, nearly smacking Changbin in the face and hitting Chan straight in the chest.

Changbin slapped his arm down, sending him an angry glare. "You almost smacked my beautiful face!"

"Your face isn't beautiful." Jisung retorted, earning a smack in the head from Changbin, he let out a soft "ack!"

Chan shook his head at the two. "The first interaction you two have in the last fourteen hours is this." He sighed.

"What do you expect? It's Jisung and Changbin." Chinmae said, leading the boys through the airport to find a place to eat.

Airport food isn't exactly what Jisung had in mind, but he'll take what he can get. Food is food, especially when their manager was paying.

They ended up at a McDonald's.

"I'm gonna go pee." Jisung sang, waving a quick 'goodbye' as he skipped off to find a bathroom.

"Don't fall in the toilet!" Changbin shouted after him.

Jisung whipped around, staring Changbin dead in the eye and mouthing "fuck you". He whipped back around dramatically, nose up in the air, and started making his way towards the bathroom again.

Him and Changbin always had this kind of relationship where they made fun of each other and cursed at each other, which they always kept the cursing down when they could be under cameras. Mouthing was the furthest they'd go when in public or under camera supervision.

Jisung walked up to the bathrooms. The ladies was lined around the wall, while the men's was practically empty.

He walked in, seeing a boy wearing one of his tour T-shirts from a year ago. When he spotted Jisung walking to find a stall in the mirror, he gasped.

The boy turned and immediately started rambling. "Oh my god, you're Han Jisung! I went to your concert last year! I love you so much, your music is amazing!" He went on and on, slowly taking steps towards Jisung and the empty stall he was standing in front of.

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