Gipsy Chrome You're Up!

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The loud ringing of sirens blared into my ears. As I struggles to open my eyes it was as if the sirens seemed to get louder and louder every second.

"Gipsy Chrome report to your station" a voice spoke.

"Viv turnoff your alarm" I spoke slipyly as I put my pillow over my head.

" Vada, Its a class 2, Code name: Scorpion" Vivian Spoke excitedly.

"What time is it?" I questioned as I sat up on my bunk, placing my face in my hands.

"1:20" Vivian souted from the bathroom.

"AM?" I shockingly spoke.

"YES! NOW GET YOU'RE LAZY ASS UP! WE NEED TO HURRY!" my twin shouted at me.

"OKAY! I'm up, I'm up," I answered rolling out of bed. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and brushed my hair into a ponytail. Walking out of our dorm, in a groggy voice I spoke up to my sibling "Now look who is being slow" my sister glared at me as she shoved her arm through the neck hole of her shirt. Growling in frustration she succeded in putting it on.

"Vivian and Vada Wells report to your station imediatly!" we heard over the intercom.

"If you hadn't been so slow, Vada, we would not feel like we are walking to the principals office." Vivian jokingly said as she punched my arm.

"I am SO sorry," I dramaticly spoke, "I just could not get my shirt on right" I shot her a grin. She slightly glared at my comment.

Quickly stepping into the nearest elevator, Vivian visiously pressed the level three button six times.

"You piece of scrap metal, we are going to be late because of you! so hurry the fu-" Vivian started.

"Viv, it's an elevator," I questionly looked at her, "it cant hear you.."


The elevator opened with a loud metal screech as we faught each other to be the first out. After we got into our armor like suits, we walked into our Jaeger, Gipsy Chrome, I was in the left and my sister on the right, hooking up we readied for our drop.

"Goood morning girls! Good to see you made it," Tendo spoke through our earpeaces.

"It would be good to sleep a few more hours," I plainly spoke while swiching controls to turn on my side of the Jaeger.

"Hey, hey it is not my fault you hang out with the Becket brothers," he chuckled, my sister laughed as well.

A stern voice was heard over the coms "Are they ready for the drop?"

"Y-yes Sir Stacker," Tendo studdered, "vitals are good, readying for the drop in Five, Four, Three, Two, One." My heart beat harder during the countdown, I am not nervous but excited.

"Readying for nural handshake," we heard Tendo speak as well as a few buttons clicking. Within seconds I saw memories flash between my eyes and eyelids, I saw myself and my sister Vivian playing in the garden, Another flash I am seeing my fauther screaming at Vivian as a bottle lands next to her head. As fast as it starded we are pulled back into reality, minds linked, knowing each and every thought that ran threw one anothers head, shattering. We lift our left arms and our Jaeger lifts its, we did the same with our right. we shifted our arms into a fighting stance, signaling the nural handshake was complete.

"Your mission is to take out the class three Kaiju before it reaches the Florida shoreline is that understood?" Stacker spoke to me and my sister.

"Loud and clear boss," Vivian chiped.

We were hooked up to helecopters that flew us close to our targeted area, once we were dropped to the ocean below we started Pulling our left legs up and then pushing it down then right and then left again the Jeager started to move forward out towards the Kaiju.

"300 meters to the target!" I spoke back to base letting them know we were close. As we walked through the water looking for out target when we heard out coms click.

"Chrome there is movement to your right!" Tendo shouted in our coms nervously.

Right as we turned the Kaiju jumped from the water gripping us with is pinchers and throwing us a good seven yards away.

"Deploy Axe!" Vivian shouted, an automatid voice spoke back 'Axe deploied'. In seconds we had an axe emerging from our right arm. The Kaiju ran at us jumping out of the water and sucessfully attaching its right pincher to our Jeagers left arm. With a graceful swing we cut off the Kaijus' left arm and a leg. In pain and anger the Kaiju swung its tail around stabbing the back of our Jeager multipul times, as our axe recaded back into a hand, both my sister and I lifted our arms and our Jaeger grabbed onto the creature squeasing the back plates so it could not escape.

"Deploy Plasmacaster!" I spoke, the cannon formed out of the left hand of our Jeager 'plasmacaster ready' the automated voice spoke again. "Lets fry this son of a bitch," I sopke out loud to my sister. We shot four rounds into the monsters abdomen, Screaches and wines were heard but it soon went limp in our hand so we dropped it to the ground.

"Do you think it is dead?" Vivian asked me. I shruged my sholders knowing she already knew my answer, we shot three more strait at its head just to be certain.

"Good work Chrome, now get back to base," we heard Stacker speak.

"Yes sir," both my sister and I spoke at the same time.

Back at base we were congradulated for our first kill by the Becket brothers.

"Wanna get some supper?" I asked Vivian exausstedly.

"Do you even have to ask?" Vivian asked sassily.

Once we finnished eating we said goodnight to the boys and headed back to our dorm, after cleaning up we tiredly slumped into our bunks and drited into a dreamless sleep.

998 words

Okay I hope you liked this chapter! I am going to try and keep up with updates :)

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